Bonus Chapter

925 33 98
  • Dedicated to everyone with a sense of humour

Followers, I deeply, sincerely apologise for the long wait.  I’ve recently moved and started a new school.  I have been getting used to things. So, to make up for things, I have worked super hard on this chapter and made it one of the longest chapters yet. I hope you can forgive me. Here you go.

because they can’t run very fast

-Kenz, of bitchville


“SooO TOdAYY Clas saS wES’Rre LEaringnIn G hOW Totu MURddER tHOUsANDSs Of iMbevcIlleS wiTH 111OnE1 QuiCkkkk MehTHoddd OF hoORRIfCX TortTURREE” SAId iNncoetc hannAH.

“YyayayaHYayyY1!!!Q1”””11” irenene SaiId hAPPHY ly

“SWa gM oneY! : NilsYS ExCaimed dPEISirTe BeinG iNnnn ScOTtLANDdd superlu! fast! “GOt1ta GO faST.11”Q!”


“Lewisisis SIISIS!!1Q” Lunna anaAA sACREMAED “You’re beiING A A CMOPLETE JeEKRKE to EvreyreonNNe!!””

“I am the extreme overlord I do whatever the fuck I want you little bitch. You work for me now.” Lewis stared directly at the camera, not breaking eye contact, and the music got louder and louder until it eventually stopped. The screen faded to black. He had won.

“GasososoSp NoOOoE mY aprentsSS Wrere Rightht UuOu Arere “BAAAAD infleuNECE !!2!!Q!”


“WhY You gIotta bE so rUDe LAnU???!?!???Q!??!?!#?#?#” IRene saaud lIke a littlgeh bi****c.

“DUnt eyou know i’M Humean tpp??!!Q” LUNE SanG.

“Shytr th4ed f*ck up!/” Rienr CirieDdd!

“cririiqriIiIII”Q una cvrieied little b*thhc she wWASs “MEmaniiee sISTA”


“WASSUP FUCKERS” duncan swaggered in like a suavéééééééée mothertrucka


“JESUs TRicyclinG Churhdnsyt.” SJin eclaimed. “i HOMO FOR SIPS!!!!Q@@!!!!!!”

“SjIIIIIiN  I lOve Youuu!! 21” Sips SaID and THREW POOPFEast 42o OUt tHW WIDNWo. Ontototo ANNNANANAA! Of fLALL pOEPLEE!! “Viva LAa ANna!!2 HE sCreMNEDD!Q!


“YO TOM Isge here” Sdiad a TMo.

“HWucH one?@???!?!~Q?” epoEPL SCEREEAMED

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