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We all know Tony Stark is a billaniore and also a playboy. one day Tony slept with a girl name Lily, Pepper Potts best friend. after that night two weeks later lily found that she's carrying starks child. she informed Pepper about this and she thought not telling anything to Tony 
after nine months she gave birth to beautiful daughter and named her Emma Lily Stark but unfortunately Lily passed away. her last words were "keep her safe love her like a mother take care of her."

pepper told Tony about baby Emma. he regret it all he said that she is a mistake. she can stay but keep her out of his sight

Pepper loves Emma so much and took care  of Emma as she promised to lily.

after 6 years Emma never talked to Tony and never did Tony.  poor Emma tried to talk but she always gets scolded the rest of the Avengers loved her mostly Loki loved Emma  .after some days a girl like 8 years old showed up saying she is Tony's and Amber's  daughter one the women Tony really loved. so all the attention of the rest of the avengers attention dragged to that girl except Loki and Pepper and her name is Veronica Hydra Stark. Tony took care of Veronica more than anything she's smart beautiful and joyful .
but Emma is more than that Veronica. Emma refused to come out of her floor. Everyone forgot her except  Loki and Pepper.

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