Veronica's pov part 2

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Veronica's pov


Lily (Emma's biological mother)- ohh look whose here

Pep- are you lost sweetheart

Veronica- I think so

Veronica stared at the baby with love

Pep- do you wanna touch her

Veronica nodded and Pepper bend down to her height. Veronica touch the baby's cute chubby cheeks . The baby stirred in Pepper's arms and opened her big beautiful hazel brown eyes.

Veronica-looks like she needs her mom

Pepper- yeah it's true darling. Lily

Lily took her in to her arms and hugged her kissed her like her life depends on her.

Lily signalled Veronica to come near her

Lily-you wanna here a story

Veronica - I love to

Lily told her a story they laughed and enjoyed those hours but not for long when Lily started shaking Veronica was dead shock pepper took Emma before Lily held her last breath she told

"keep her safe love her like a mother take care of her."

Then soon the monitor showed a straight thin line across the screen with a unstoppable beep

Veronica was shocked she ran out of the room to her mother who was searching for her deadly

End flash back

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