Chapter 4

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It had been about twenty minutes and familiar male watched the merman’s actions. He had been lured here by the blood. But then he spotted the well known hair of the female who had been brought here. He silently wondered why this male was waiting near the door not bothering to go any nearer of the silver haired woman. She shifted in her sleep and the merman watched her. He sucked in a breath as her skirt rode up. The other male also caught a glimpse. His fangs were throbbing. He should just take her blood. It would be easy. The merman was unaware he was in here. He watched as the merman got up; he walked over to the silverette. She just continued to be blissfully unaware of it. He saw the fish was slowly reaching to touch her now. His patience must of worn out. He heard him whispering nasty plans he had. It was as if he believed his words would turn her on and make her attack him. The spy rolled his eyes at the complete stupidity. It was clear none of who were here had ever been that willing. The blood and death smells were plenty of indication. Sighing he at last jumped down from the rafters. The merman stiffened at his scent. 
“Vampire? (He glared at him as the male stood where he landed.) This is mine. Do you hear me?”
“Oh I heard you alright.”
Zeke continued to watch the vampire before him warily. He knew this blood sucker was here for the prize, that was the sleeping woman. He couldn’t understand why the night dweller hadn’t moved from his place. He was leaned against a wall.
“What are you playing at?”
“Nothing have at it.”
“Leave. Unless you plan on being audience when I fuck away her pure blood.”
“Pure, huh?”
“Yes and she’s all mine.”
“Well go ahead take her.”
“This better not be a sick game. You and I both know you want this woman. Too bad she’s mine. Worth more too. Oh fuck!” (Zeke was startled as the vampire appeared next to him to  get a better look. He tilted his head.)
“That is worth something?”
“Yes. Now go back to your wall.” 
The vampire smirked at his comment. He moved back as requested. Zeke thought it was fear but it was another reason.
Tsuki came awake with a start. She had awoken not only to the smell of fish but dead. Not sure what danger she was in. She kicked her leg into the shin of the first male that caught her eye. The brunette hissed and she realized he was a merman. She did a hand stand in record time and then she spun using the heel of her hand and landed another kick to the staggering merman’s chest. It sent him flying into the wall. Now he was a groaning mess. She fell sideways back onto the dirty mattress but was quick to sit up. She didn’t relax quite yet. She knew someone else was here. Her eyes searched the area until they came to pair of black jeans. The male was hidden in the shadows. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark as they travelled up. Climbing from his pant's leg up to his chest. Holy shit whoever he was he was ripped. Hiding a blush she reached his face. The pale skin had been a dead giveaway but his fangs were her proof.
“Hik…” (As she opened her mouth to say her light spell. Her mouth was covered by a big hand. Her eyes wide in shock.)
“Keep your pretty mouth shut, mortal. If you utter a spell I will not hesitate to rip your tongue and arms off.”
'Holy shit. I’m so screwed. A merman and vampire all in one day. Dear mother and father what have I done to deserve this?' (Tsuki shifted her eyes as he gripped her chin so he could look at her.)
“Say one word and you will be just damaged human. Now nod if you get it and I’ll release you.” (The vampire’s pupil dilated as he tried to hypnotize her. Sighing at his attempt she nodded.)
‘More mind control attempts. (Tsuki felt him slowly release her. He must of thought his suggestion was imprinted. But it wasn’t.) Damn even it didn’t work I may need to fake it.’
“Okay come with me.” 
(Tsuki nodded and came to him. She’d only taken a few steps when the merman tackled her.)
“Neptune I told you she is mine.” (Zeke pinned her arms behind her back.)
“Get off me! Denki Shokku!” (Tsuki yelled the spell. Instead of electricity nothing happened.)
“Nice try babe. Sorry but you aren’t my first witch. This place is made out of magic proof material.” (Zeke chuckled while Tsuki frowned.)
Tsuki struggled under the bulky male's weight. She used her legs to rocket her body up which shocked the male who was only holding her. She looked towards the vampire. He was watching her with mild interest. It was nice to display some of her hidden strength. After all to him, it would seem as though she just wanted to follow the suggestion. She needed to continue coming because the suggestion said to. The fang bearer smirked. He liked that the young woman kept coming to him. After she knocked off the merman she had begun approaching him. She reached him since the command said take his arm she did. He was cold to the touch but her body heat warmed him up. She gave a small smile as she released his arm and jumped towards the door attempting to open it. The merman chuckled. He had been watching the two from where he had been thrown. Why he didn’t move was his decision.
“Listen I don’t belong to either of you. Now open the door or I’ll break it.”
“I doubt you have the…” (The fish stopped speaking as she swung her leg into it.)
Her eyes nearly murderous as she realized it was metal painted to look like oak wood. She bit her lip as she tried to hide the shocks going through her leg and foot. The clang has also hurt her ears. The raven haired fang bearer smirked as he watched her from his place leaned on a wall adjacent of her now.
“Gills I’m assuming she doesn’t plan on being either of ours.”
“I don’t give a fuck I brought her here. So all of her including the blood you scented is mine. Come here witch.” (Zeke walked over to a lever a creaking sound was heard.)
“No.” (Tsuki stared as water began filling the room.)
The vampire shook his head as he watched the male vanish. When sea demons touched water they were able to chameleon with the water. Tsuki slowly looked around. Her body had tensed up as she tried to get some sign of the fish hidden from her view. She was also wary of the vampire. His crystal blue eyes were watching her. The tinge of a navy blue was changing them. Most likely due to her bleeding lip, she probably shouldn’t have bit it. But even if she dented the metal. It hurt like an iron bat hitting her leg to her foot. It would of broken if she didn’t have her healing aura. Tsuki's damaged leg was grabbed and she was dragged into the water. Pain from the healing leg quite noticeable.  A weight pushed on her legs as she sputtered water. The male who pinned her chuckled.
“As I said witch come.” (The now gray and green skinned creature appeared in her sight. His webbed hands gripped her chin.)
“I’m not a witch I’m a…”.  (Her words were interrupted as she closed her mouth as the sea man kissed her. Tsuki fought to turn her face before his lips had made contact but the webbed hands gripped to where he drew blood from her left cheek.)
The vampire watched now tense as more of her blood had been spilled. The scent was nothing like he had scented before.The sorceress was pushing at the merman’s chest as he slowly untied her neck strap from her top. Thankfully for her it didn’t fall down because it was tight on her body; the elastic doing it's job. Zeke seemed rather disappointed after that. He now tried to deepen the kiss but Tsuki refused to open her mouth. She kneed him in the groin but all he did was grunt. His hands began sliding down her frame as he gave up his futile attempts to get her to open her mouth.
“Come on magic user I’ll give you a taste of my magic let me taste your inside or I’ll taste something else.”
Tsuki growled as she let go of her restraints slightly. He chuckled as he began carving her arms. Her eyes were murderous however before she made a move. The merman was thrown off of her. He crashed into the wall making a hole as the plaster crumpled and he hit the hidden metal with a clang and splash. Tsuki was shocked as she was pinned to the wall now by the creature of the night. His eyes were a dark midnight blue with red veins. Tsuki clawed at her throat as he held her up. She hated being trapped. Blood dripped from the gashes on her arm. Licking his lips he began lowering her down. At a inhuman speed he had her in a princess hold. Tsuki who was regaining her breath and felt them fly into the air. Using the rafters above the male ended up at the window. Tsuki knew if she moved she would hit the ground now 10ft below. Instead her eyes drifted to the midnight blue focused on a destination. Tsuki felt him grip her harder. She was lifted so their eyes met. Tsuki had only a split second before he kissed her. She could feel his aura trying to possess her soul so she would allow him to drink. Tsuki wondered if he was bothered that she had been kissed by another creature not even that long ago. To answer her question she felt a more possessive kiss. He nipped her lips with his fangs. No matter how much she wanted to keep her mouth closed his aura stroked at hers. Some how she felt her body pressed into a tree. She should have been terrified as she had no idea how she got outside, but she wasn’t. Her guess was he flew out some window. She moaned as his tongue stroked hers. This was her first tongue kiss. He released her lips and tilted her head. She knew what was happening but the part that protected her had shut up. Instead she was shocked she had nearly whimpered when he let her lips go. Instead she howled mentally as his teeth broke her skin near her jugular. He began feeding allowing her warm blood to fill him. A strange haziness is now taking over her vision. The howling getting louder as a searing pain hit her heart.
The blast of wind circled her and threw him off. She crumbled to her knees. A now visible silver aura sparkling the air as her body healed. Her neck tie retied itself. She was shaking the howl was loud as it cried from her soul. She finally opened her mouth as the howl broke free.
“You are going to pay witch I’ll…” ( The vampire who had been returning angrily tilted his head. He hadn’t expected such a sound. Her blue eyes shined a icy blue as she looked towards him.)
‘Oh no. How?' (Her eyes widened as a name whispers through her mind.)
“Yami  Ookami.”
“What the fuck?”
“My thoughts exactly.”

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