Chapter 16

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Yami arrived home. He yawned it was nearly morning. He had gone out to test things out and discovered blood was normal but didn't have the sweet taste like Tsuki's. Also he still didn't want sex with other females. Which sucked because that was one of his pleasures in life. Damn the silver witch for making him horny then shutting him down with the purity card. He did not want to become the only masturbating vampire. There had to be a way. Maybe if he pretended the women were her? Yami froze as he saw his brother passed out on the couch. He frowned.
"Yo Akuma the Sun is going to be up. Not that it matters but I'd hate for one of them to detect you."
"I'm good here. I'll deserve it."
" Whoa since when are you emo? "
"Since I did something heinous."
Yami quirked an eyebrow. He didn't know what his brother was saying. Was sleeping with his mate's friend horrible?
"Was she that bad in bed?"
Akuma glared at him, and Yami knew he was wrong. He narrowed his eyes. Akuma got up and left leaving him even more puzzled. He had enough to worry about over his brother's weird attitude. He knew the two had fucked and hard from the sound. Tsuki's friends moans had been very audible. Yami frowned. Man he needed to fuck. Maybe he could of pushed Tsuki more. She clearly had liked what they did. She just got nervous. Yami sighed if he had more time he might be able to go see if he could try his pretend thing on some unsuspecting victim. He groaned as the thought of her already had him hard. He hurried to his bedroom, stripping yet again before he got to his bed. He lay there his friend refusing to give up. His cock was stiff and hard. He berated himself for what he was going to need to do.
It had been 5 days since then. Tsuki and Hinote were hard at work. Hinote was watching Tsuki cautiously as Tsuki had been pale this morning but said she didn't feel bad so here she was again. Tsuki was her usual energetic self as she took the orders of some very nice old ladies. Hinote frowned as she returned to her work of cashing out a customer.
Tsuki smiled as she carried the regulars coffee to them. She passed a couple who were gazing into each other's eyes. They were lost in their pink and red world. Tsuki left them to it as she served the church ladies. They smiled and thanked her. Then she returned to the couple. They were still staring at each other.
"Hi there welcome to Shino's. I'm Tsuki, your waitress.  Can I get you two something to drink?"
" I would like an ice tea with lemon easy ice. Eric what about you? "
The male in question seemed to look up. His eyes leaving his companion. Tsuki saw a strange look pass through his eyes.
"Creme soda, hot stuff."
The girlfriend was understandably upset. Tsuki frowned while the girlfriend glared at her boyfriend making goo-goo eyes at Tsuki.
"Okay so iced tea with lemon, easy ice and a cream soda. I'll get that for ya right away. Here's your menu let me know when you're ready."
Tsuki kept a smile even as the girl snatched both menus from her. She walked away and could hear the girl going off on her boyfriend in an angry hushed tone. Tsuki rushed to get there drinks. She gave them to them then hurried to another table passing a bus boy who stared at her. Tsuki quickly got drinks and watched the couple as the girl poured her tea on Eric's head and ran off. Tsuki went no where near it. Busying herself with other customers. Dan, the bus boy, was the one to cash the drenched male out for just the drinks. By half of her shift, there had been three other couples she served who broke up. Tsuki also could of sworn even married men were checking her out. Several single men kept trying to get her to flirt with them. Tsuki was really uncomfortable. She went on her break tracking Hinote who was eating a chicken salad.
"Hinote have you seen this weirdness?"
"Weirdness? What ya mean?"
"I mean everyone I served today. Has either broke up or gotten in fights. And I swear I feel like a piece of meat."
Hinote sighed taking another bite of her salad. Tsuki was waiting for an answer but slightly annoyed that Hinote just ate. Finally she put down her fork.
"Look Tsuki, lesson one. All men are dirt bags. Married, dating, or engaged it doesn't matter. There's a rule Look but Don't Touch but guys are an idiotic species who like to test boundaries. So don't feel bad even I have to deal with them."
Tsuki frowned but then sighed. She watched Hinote return to her a meal. She walked away to go get herself some lunch and regretted it when the cook asked her out. She grabbed her lunch and bolted for the employee break room. Hinote was already gone. Her break over.
30 minutes later, Tsuki was back out serving and waitressing. Every time a couple turned on each other she cringed. What was the deal? She felt like some mirror Cupid. Breaking hearts instead of fixing them. It was a hour to her clock out time when she felt dizzy. It hit her so suddenly. She shook it off and continued taking orders. She stopped at a small family, a mom and her two kids.
"Hi is everything okay?"
The mom didn't seem to hear her. As she handed a napkin to both kids.
"Anna eat your veggies; they're good for you. Jimmy not everything needs ketchup..Especially not that much."
Tsuki swayed as she waited as the lady gave her just one moment sign. Tsuki waited on the mom to get her little boy situated. Her body uncomfortable from the stillness.
"I'm sorry but could you get us more napkins and refills."
The woman spoke over her shoulder as she cut something on the boy's plate.
" Yes Jimmy? "
"Lady is falling."
Sure enough Tsuki lost her fight and fainted. Hinote and several heard the thud. The mom quickly stood up as Dan rushed over. Hinote left her customers.
"What happened?" ( Hinote questioned)
"I don't know I was cleaning and saw her falling. Oh sh..crud she's burning up."
Hinote touched her friends head and pulled it away. Her boss was coming now. Everyone was in a panic.
"Dan can you carry her to the break room. I'll take care of the boss."
"Sure that means I'll be closer to that smell."
Hinote gave him a weird look. But didn't have time, she hurried to derail her boss. He of course was now following her to the break room. She let the other waitresses handle the floor. The assistant manager would handle calming the customers including the distraught momma.
Tsuki awoke in the break room. The boss and Hinote were having a discussion of what to do. Obviously Hinote was against calling an ambulance and causing a bigger scene?
"What happened?"
" Oh thank Kami. Tsuki when you're sick you don't come in. I want you to go straight home no I mean straight to the doctor. "
"Yes sir. Sorry."
Tsuki frowned as the boss left to probably clock her out. Hinote looked livid. Tsuki felt like a petulant child.
"You scared the living shit out of me. Next time listen when I say you look sick. Go home and go to bed. I doubt you would ever go to a doctor."
Tsuki didn't argue nor apologize as she got up. Taking notice her dizziness had subsided. She felt her head that still felt warm. She made sure to get up slowly. Hinote was still frowning.
"Take the back exit. Dan wants to take you home and I doubt you want that. He is interested in your smell apparently."
" Smell? "
"Yeah it just weird. Now go home."
Hinote hurried back to finish her shift. Tsuki frowned but took Hinote's advice and snuck out the back way. She walked out of the alleyway and returned to the sidewalk. Her place was a few blocks away. As she walked, she started to feel eyes on her. Several guys were looking at her. She was feeling very uncomfortable even with it being close till 2:30.
'What the hell? (A few more couples got into fights as she passed. She ducked her head and began running only to hear feet running after her.) Oh my Kami! (She ran faster allowing her demon speed. She quickly unlocked her doors as she heard cat calls her way. She slammed her door. Heart pounding as she locked it only to hear knocks) Why is this happening?'
Tsuki ran for her room and closed the door. Her strength gave out as she lay face first on the ground. Her head was pounding and she knew the run had skyrocketed her fever. She knew what it was when a howl cried from with in her.
Yami's eyes popped open and he sat up.  He glanced at the clock when his internal clock let him know the Sun was still up. He had no clue what woke him. He thought he was in some danger from a vampire hunter but then the scent of cherry blossoms wafted by his nose.
'Her scent?'
His door opened and a groggy barely dressed Akuma jumped down and came towards him. His eyes slightly worried.
"Yami what's wrong why are you up?"
Yami stared into space as Akuma asked the same question. He also glanced in the same direction wondering what the hell he was looking at.
"Tsuki." ( Yami mumbled)
Akuma was baffled when his little brother began getting ready. He reached to grab his shirt from him.
"Tsuki." ( Yami said much clearer. )
"The mate? What about her? Will you stop!"
Yami grabbed his shirt from his brother and slid it over his head. Akuma had no idea what was going on but it was freaking him out.
"Got to get to her?"
" Sun is up we can't break out agreement you know what will happen. "
"Don't care I'm going. I'll go in the other form."
" Yami be reasonable it's 2 . Go in 5 hours. "
"She needs me. Can't you smell her?"
"I don't know what crap you're..."
" I'm going to her! "
Yami ran past his brother who caught him and pinned him to the wall.
"Let me the Fuck go!"
Yami shimmered and a dark gray wolf tried to bite Akuma who moved quickly. It growled then ran off. Akuma watched his brother jump up and heard him run out of his room. Akuma frowned. What the hell had just happened?
'This mate thing is seriously freaky. How the Fuck can he smell her? We're at least 5 villages away. '

The Princess and The KunoichiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora