Chapter 1

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I stare out the window silently as Mum continues to talk about our new family, her voice filled with excitement. She occasionally waves her hands in the air to emphasis points in her explanation or show her enthusiasm before having to quickly put them back on the wheel everytime the car swerves. I hum at parts when needed or nod when she glances my way, adorning my best smile to show her that I too was thrilled about the idea of joining a family, even though I wasn't. If I had to be honest I would say that I was absolutely terrified and didn't want to be anywhere near them, let alone associate with them. Just the thought of it causes trembles and bouts of nausea to assault my body. Mum never notices though, because I've always been a good actor, especially when it comes to hiding how I truly feel. I want to tell her so badly how I feel deep down but I refused to. She has done so much for me already- much more than I could ever thank her for. The least I could do was endure so she can be happy. I've always been good at enduring.

Mum rambles on even more intently as we draw closer to the street of my new 'home'. After I few minutes more, we finally pull up on the driveway of a mansion like house as a group of boys with a well dressed man wait patiently on the door step. I glance up slightly to take in her reaction at the scene, to gauge whether she was truly happy with her decision or was just pushing herself. The smile that beams from her lips say it all. Her beautiful blue eyes practically glowed as she stared at her new husband with love and adoration- blonde hair framing her face and making her seem like an angel.

With a bounce in her step she exits the car and makes her way toward the man who held his arms open to her. His eyes held just as much love and affection as her own as he instantly wraps her up into a warm hug, peppering her in kisses as she releases a musical laugh. the phantom feeling of tears sit in my eyes as I watch the loving scene unfold from within the car, wishing that I had experienced, or could ever experience the same level of love. But from a father. No tears welled in my eyes as I had long ago ran out of my ability to cry, but I could still feel the same pain that throbbed in my heart. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I push it down along with my other emotions. This was mum's chance at happiness, not mine. I had to stop being selfish.

My mother turns with a grin and motions for me to exit the car. Although reluctant, I obediently do as I'm told and open the door. Unbuckling the seat belt I carefully exit the car and close the door behind me. I resist the urge to fidget as I felt stares on the back of my head. Swallowing hard I put a small smile on my lips and will some happiness into my face to not draw any suspicion. Turning around, I face the family of five, now seven, and walk towards them. My mother holds her arm out to me and I step under it, welcoming the warmth.

"Now Brandon, this here is your step-dad, Peter. I want you to behave for both him and me okay?" she introduces with a soft and gentle voice that calmed my nerves a fraction. I felt fear begin to well up within my chest as I look up at the tall figures of my step-father and brothers. My heart thundered in my chest as unwanted memories attempted to plague my mind but I shake my head and hold my hand out to the large man. I somehow prevent any trembles to reach my hand as he kneels down so we are eye level and gently grasps my hand to shake. He shows my a kind smile and I felt my fear dim only a fraction. At the moment I like him, but I still hold some doubts on the sincerity of this whole thing. He, just like Him, could also be a bad person. Most people were.

"Nice to meet you Brandon. I really do hope we get along and you eventually view me as a father figure. Now I'll introduce my boys since this is your first time meeting each other and then we can get you settled in." I nod obediently, much to mum's delight, and listens as he rattles off the names and ages of his son's. I make sure to commit it to memory as to not inconvenience any of them in future.

"The tallest one there is Keith. He's sixteen and is the jokester of this family. the one over there that seems all broody is Christopher who's fifteen and twins with Rolland who's the nicer one of the bunch if you ask me. And finally you've got the oldest over there who's just turned seventeen. His name's Joven and seems to love sneaking out to parties even when he's told not to." The boy, Joven, looks away sheepishly as his brothers snicker at the obvious disapproval that came from their father. I nod again and give them a small wave. Only Rolland was nice enough to wave back. It didn't bother me though.

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