the beginning

389 11 9

Year 1

'Juliet! Wake up!' i heard my brother yell into my ear.

'Shut up Ronald, go back to sleep.'

'But today school starts!' Ron defends himself.

'Ron its 3am, you can wake me up in 3 hours.' i said slowly falling back to sleep.

Ronald Weasley is my twin brother, which i don't understand since we are way diffrent from eachother; he has red hair, just like all my other siblings, while i have light brown curly hair.

Nobody understands how i have brown hair instead of red, myself i can't understand it either.

It was 5:20 am when i couldn't sleep anymore, so i went outside for some fresh air.

I always liked watching the stars and the moon outside, it makes me feel calm.

'Juliet?' i heard.

I turned and stood eye to eye with my brother Fred.

'What are you doing here so early?' he asked me curious.

Fred and i have always been bestfriends, we always understand eachother.

'I couldn't sleep anymore.'

Fred smirks.

'There is no need to be nervous, it only is your first day.'

'I am not nervous.' i told him.

'If you say so.. let's go back inside and get breakfast.' Fred said walking towards the door.

Breakfast? How long have i been outside?

After finishing breakfast and packing everything it was finally time to go.

At the train station i could see that Ron was more nervous then i was.

My mom always cries when a new year starts, especially when you start your first.

'I can not believe it's your first year!' my mom told me.

'Please take good care of your brothers'

'I will.' i promised her while laughing.

I said goodbye to my dad, my mom and my little sister Ginny.

When we were on our way to the paron, a boy with round glasses asked us if we knew were the paron was.

First George went in, then Fred and then Ron, the boy and i.

At the peron Ron took my hand, something he would never do.

Normally he would look disgusted at me, as if im an old man with sweaty hands.

But this time, he allowed it.

Finally we found a empty cabin.

The boy sat with us, since there were no other empty cabins.

'I am Ron by the way, Ron Weasley.'

'My name is Juliet, Juliet Weasley.'

'Nice to meet you two. My name is Harry, Harry Potter.'

'HARRY POTTER?' my brother almost screamed.

'Shut up Ronald, you don't have to scream like that!' i said pinching him.

'Au!' Ron said glaring at me.

I glared back at him and turned away.

'Why are you laughing?' Ron asked Harry.

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