forbidden love -p7

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I was very nervous when i woke up because today was the Quidditch match.

I put on my Slytherin clothes and i went to the dining hall.

I sat next to Seamus and Neville.

'I am so nervous.' i sighed.

'It is going to be alright.' Neville reasured me.

I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.

Neville is such a cutie.

We talked for awhile untill i stood up to get ready for the match.

It didn't start yet, but i wanted to practice a little bit more.

When i was done i walked back to Hogwarts.

Ofcourse i could fly on my broom, but i wanted to take a walk since it was really beautiful outside today.

I was thinking about my match when bumped into someone.

When i looked up to apologize i found myself staring at blue eyes.

I recognized them immediately.

We just stared into each others eyes without saying anything.

Normally i would have scolded at him for not looking out where he was going, even though it was my fault.

I heard his friends whisper something to each other.

'Draco are you ok?' Blaise asked.

'Yes why wouldn't i be okay?' he said looking away.

Blaise whispered something in his ear.

I could see him tense up.

'Next time look where you're going Weasley.'

'What?' i asked confused.

'I said that you had to look out where you're going. I understand that your family is poor and that you live in one room with 9 other pathetic weasleys, but you have to look out where you're going. I am not like one of your brother who you can just bump into without getting problems.'

'And please don't play today, you suck at Quidditch.' he said smirking.

'I hate you, Draco Malfoy.' i said with tears in my eyes.

I turned around and ran away.

I really thought he changed.

For some reason i ran towards the forbidden forest.

I found myself running to the treehouse where i kissed Draco.

Why would i go there?

When i was there i got into the treehouse.

I sat down and started to cry.

He knew how much i hated it if anyone says something bad about my family.

Even though he doesn't understand that, because they treated me like dirt, that i would stand up so much for them.

But he understood it and swore he would never annoy me again with it.

Well he broke his promise.

I don't know for how long i sat there but when i looked up i saw 2 pair blue eyes looking up.

'Go away, Malfoy.' i said wiping my tears off.

'Please, help me up.' he asked me softly.

I don't why but i helped him.

When he sat next to me, he pulled me in for a tight hug.

'What the hell Draco.' i said pulling away.

'Listen, i didn't mean a word i just said!' he said defensing himself.

I ignored him and looked the other way.

'Please, forgive me.' he said taking my hands.

'I swear i didn't mean a word!' he said.

I could hear he was being serious.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek, but before it could roll any futher Draco placed his thumb on my cheek and he wiped the tear away.

I leaned it to hug him and he hugged me back.

'It's okay.' i heard Draco whisper into my ear.

Draco pulled back from the hug and crushed his lips on mine.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped them around his neck.

He deepened the kiss and pulled me closer.

Back at Hogwarts i went to Luna.

'You look happy.' Luna asked curious.

'That is because i am.' i said smiling.

'What happened?' she said giggling.

I grabbed her arm and took her to somewhere quiet where nobody could hear us.

'I made out with Malfoy.' i said blushing.

At first Luna was silent, i knew she didn't like him.

'Malfoy?' she asked me.

'Yes, we've been seeing each other for a while actually. But i didn't wanna tell you because you'd hate me.' i said.

'I don't hate you, i am just worried.' she said grabbing my hands.

'I understand, but i promise you he is really sweet to me.' i said smiling just at the thought of Draco.

'Well i'm happy for you.' she said hugging me.

'But if he ever does something im kicking his ass.' she said laughing.

We kept laughing and talking for awhile till it was time for the match.

On the field i stood with my team.
Draco stood next to me and i felt his arm snaking around my waist.
I blushed and he must've seen it.
'You look cute when you blush.' he whispered in my ear.
'Draco, what if someone sees us?' i whispered yelled back.
'Does it mather?' he said and gave me a wink.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to my team.

Before the match began Luna came one last time to check on me if i was alright.
I always panic before a match.
'You're gonna do great!' she said hugging me.
'Thanks Luna.' i said giving her a smile.
'Juliet we're starting.' i heard Draco say.
'Good luck!' i heard Luna and Blaise say.
Blaise didn't play because he had missed a lot of practices.
'By the way Juliet, maybe Draco can give you some of his Liqquid luck!' i heard Blaise yell behind us.
Draco and i both looked at each other in embarrassment, while Luna and Blaise bursted out in laughter.
Draco and i both walked towards the field.
Finally the match began.

A/N: hi! sorry for not uploading much.. school
has been killing me!! anyway sorry if the kissing was cringey :') i don't have any experience with it so if you want you can correct the sentences :)

forbidden love - draco malfoy ღWhere stories live. Discover now