forbidden love p2

234 6 1

year 5

While still half asleep i heard a knock on my door.

'Juliet, breakfast is ready.' i heard my little sister, Ginny, say from the other side of the door.

I stood up and opened the door, seeing Ginny was already on her way downstairs.

'Ginny, wait up!'

She looks behind her to see me standing there waiting for her to come back, but she didn't.

She just continued walking down the stairs.

Since i was sorted in Slytherin, non of my family talks to me.

They all think they will transform into a snake if they do.

They basically ignored me for the past 5 years.

On holidays or my birthday i don't get much.

If im lucky im getting a new sweater for christmas, because my old one is too small.

For example, last year i got my first christmas present after 4 years getting.

It hurts a lot to see everybody ignoring you.

The most painful is it when my own twin brother ignores me or insults me for being a snake.

Besides Ron, i really miss talking to Fred too.

We finished breakfast and went to our rooms to get our luggage.

For one last time i look at my room where i spent my whole summer in.

Since nobody talked to me, i was really lonely.

The only friend i had was my owl: Casper.

I sat on my bed when Fred came in the room.

'Wingardium Leviosa.' he said flicking his wand.

He got my luggage and left without saying one word.

'Thank you.' i whispered, but it was hard enough for him to hear because he looked me in the eyes for the first time in 5 years.

He looked at me for 5 secondsand then left.

In the train i found an empty cabin.

After 10 minutes someone i recognized right away stood at the door.

'Mind if i join?'

I just nodded.

We both were silent for 15 minutes, but then he asked .

'How was your summer?'

'It was okay.' i said not asking about his.

We were silent again.

'Do you want something, Malfoy.'


'Then why are you here?'

He ignored my question.

I scoffed and turned away, facing the window.

After 1 more hour of silent we finally arrived at Hogwarts.

Right away i went to my room.

When i came in i saw my two best friends: Honey and Snow.

'Juliete!' they both said and hugged me.

'We missed you!' they both said.

'I missed you two too! You don't wanna know.'

We talked for awhile and went to the dining hall.

We went to our table and got a lot of food.

I wasn't really hungry, but this food looked too good to not eat.

Honey on the other hand was really hungry and ate more food then i could eat in two weeks.

'How was your summer?' Snow asked me.

Snow is the smart one, she is really quiet and doesn't say much.

Honey is the opposite.

She dated almost every boy from Slytherin and Hufflepuf.

'It wasn't as bad as last year.' i said shrugging my shoulders.

'Did they talk to you?'

'No, the farest i have come is Ron insulting me.'

'Besides that i had other things to think about this summer.' i said looking down.

My bestfriend, Cedric, died last year.

Voldemort killed him.

He was the only one who accepted me who i am, he didn't care that i was a Slytherin.

I promised myself that i would find out what happend and kill Voldemort.

Even if i have to die.

The day went quickly.
Before i knew it i had to go to class again.
I had potions with Gryffindor, great.
In class i took a seat next to Snow, behind Ron and Harry since there was no other place to sit.
Honny sat with Pansy.
Pansy and i despise each other, but we act like we're friends.
She also dates Draco Malfoy, well sorta.
They always break up and get back together now and then.
'Alright class, open your books on page 97.' Snape hissed.
In the first year he scared the shit outta me, but im not the only one who was scared.
'Today you are going to make a love potion.'
I sighed, again another boring lesson.
'You can choose with who to work with, but it has to be 1 boy and 1 girl.' he smirked.
Before u knew it i felt an arm around my shoulder.
Draco Malfoy.
'Seems like you're stuck with me.' he said smirking.
'Who says i wanna work with you.' i said shrugging his arm off.
'You, since there is nobody else to work with.'
I looked around and indeed saw that everyone had paired up.
Hermione with Ron, obviously.
Harry and Snow and Honny with Blaise.
'If we fail, it's your fault.' i hissed at him.
'Don't you forget one thing?' he said with a cold smile.
'I am the best in this class, there is no way we are failing Weasley.'
'And if we do it's your fault.'
i scoffed and ignored his comment.
This was going to be a long day.

Finally we had lunch.
'How was potions with Malfoy?' Honney smirked.
'Oh shut up.' i said smiling shoving her shoulder playfully.
'I thought it would go worser, but believe it or not: we passed.' i said proud.
'Blaise and i failed.' she sighed.
'It's not your fault, im sure you did everything and he didn't even help you.'
'Actually he did, but he kept doing the wrong thing.'
After 3 minutes Snow joined us.
We're talking untill i got distracted.
I saw my brother and sister having fun at the Gyffindor table.
I wonder what they're laughing about.
I'd lie if i said i didn't care.
I really missed talking to them, especially Ron and Fred.
'Earth to Juliet?' Honey said.
'Sorry, i was distracted for a while.'
'Well i was sayiny, i heard that Pansy and Draco are back together.' Honey whispered.
'Again?' i said.
'Yes, again. But im sure they're over in no time.'

It was night and i couldn't sleep.
I kept thinking about what i saw at the Gryffindor table at lunch.
They all seemed really happy without me around.
I slipped out of bed and went to the balcony.
It was my favourite place in Hogwarts.
I always go there to watch the stars.
I sat there and i saw a falling star.
I know it sounds dumb, but i made a wish.
I wished that my family would talk to me again instead of ignoring me.
I would give anything to talk to them, even for 1 minute.
I felt a tear slip out of the corner of my eye.
I couldn't help it but let more tears out.
'Juliet?' i heard from behind.
I turned around and saw my brother Fred.
'Freddy.' i whispered.
He came close and wiped of my tears.
'Why are you crying? Are you okay?'
'Yes i'm fine.' i answered.
'Well if there's anything i can do, just tell me.'
'I know i haven't talked to you in awhile, but that doesn't change that you are my little sister.'
I felt a smile coming up.
'Thanks you Freddy.' i said with a soft smile.
I always called him Freddy.
He looked up when i said Freddy, he hadn't heard that in awhile.
He smiled and left.

I went back to bed and fell in sleep right away.
Fred talked to me.

forbidden love - draco malfoy ღOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant