i don't know

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How do I explain the want to die?

How do I explain that nothing is wrong

When in reality everything is wrong

How do you tell someone you love

That you hurt?

Not physically hurt, but you hurt inside?

How do you explain that you don't always feel this pain, that most of the time you feel happy?

How do I explain that I feel like I'm suffocating?

I feel like I can't breathe normally

Like I've been stuffed with cotton balls

I feel like I'm choking.

I feel like my head's under water

I want to scream and cry and beg for help but there's nobody here, nobody to help.

I reach out to you

"I want to kill myself"

"Haha me too"

I want help

"I need help"

"Sorry I'm busy"

They say life is sink or swim

I feel like I'm sinking and nobody can help

"I feel like I'm suffocating"

"Oh, try taking deep breaths."

Can't you see I'm screaming for help but nobody is listening.

I'm trying, I'm fighting, but I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

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