6. My Heart's Desire

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A beautiful sun is rising, the young' Prince awake now, the first thing comes to his mind is Tay, he still remember about what happened last night at the welcoming party. The warm hug that Tay gives set Newwiee's eyes aglow, there's magic infinite, it's like impossible to let go. In Tay's arms, the young' Prince feels very secure.

(N'Dae: Someone is fallin..💕)

Suddenly, the bedroom door open, Khun'Jane was so shocked looking at the young' Prince already woke up so early, she even looked at the clock, it was 6.45 am.

"Oh~ you've woken up young' Prince" said Khun'Jane

"Didn't I?" said Newwiee and his excitement still shows in his face

"Y-yes.. usually it's hard to wake you up 😅young' Prince, you may take a shower now" said Khun'Jane

"Uhm.. What time will Tay come to the Palace today?" said Newwiee curiously

"Officer Tay will be here exactly at 8.00 am" said Khun'Jane

After that, Newwiee went to take a shower, he even singing in the shower, Khun'Jane was wondering why the young' Prince acting so differently today, she even smiling while preparing the clothes. After finished shower, Newwiee looking at the outfit that Khun'Jane prepared, and he said:
"Can I wear pink today?"

"Pink..? Ahhh, yes of course" said Khun'Jane

After putting on the outfit, Newwiee look at the mirror, he even turn himself and asked Khun'Jane:
"How do I look?"

"You look really na-rak~ 😍"
(na-rak means "cute" in Thailand)
"Are you going somewhere else today young' Prince?" said Khun'Jane

Newwiee keep smiling and he said:
"No.. I didn't go out today, I need to.. study, yeah study"

Khun'Jane keep smiling at him and they both went to the study room. Right after he walked through the stairs, someone enters the Palace, Newwiee so excited to see Tay, however it was not Tay, but it was Earth that comes.

"So you have get ready for me" said Earth

"R-ready? Why are you here?" said Newwiee

Earth smile looking at Newwiee, he really likes it when the young Prince wearing pink, because it shows how fair and cute Newwiee is, Earth couldn't wait to pinch Newwiee's cheeks.

Tay finally arrived, he was wondering, whose car in the parking right in front of the Palace and then he walked in to the Palace suddenly Newwiee's hand has been hold by Earth and Earth drag Newwiee out from the Palace. The moment Newwiee see Tay he said:
"Oh~ you're here"

Earth keep dragging Newwiee to his car and Newwiee keep looking at Tay and then Earth close the door and then he smirked at Tay. Tay keep looking at them and they both leave the Palace.

"Where did he go?" said Tay to Khun'Jane

"I don't know either Officer Tay" said Khun'Jane

*At the car*

"What are you doing?",
"I have to study right now",
"Go bring me back to the Palace"
said Newwiee

"We're going for a date" said Earth

"W-what.. Date?" said Newwiee

"I already asked Grandpa last night, I asked his permission to date you" said Earth

"Y.. you're kidding right?" said Newwiee

"Yes..  N O" said Earth

Earth keep smiling at Newwiee looking at the young' Prince sulking cute face. Finally, they both arrived at the center of Bangkok City. Earth so excited to have a date with the young' Prince, he keeps holding Newwiee's hand. They both walking around at the city and eventually, Newwiee's lost it at food, he's now the mood when he look at the food, he really want to eat all of the food he see at the city. Earth even managed to feed Newwiee in front of the public, suddenly there's a group of school girl know Earth, and they look at Newwiee, they even take a picture. After a while, the photo taken leak in the Instagram and Twitter, even the media press make a headline about the photo. Everyone gives a love and like to the photo and more likely they're shipping Earth with Newwiee, everyone keeps asking who is the boy with Earth. They didn't know the boy is the young' Prince.


*At the Palace*

Khun'Jane having her breakfast with fellow maids and servants, suddenly while she scrolling her IG on the explore, she see the photo of the young' Prince with Earth. And she screamed and she said:
"Uii!! The young' Prince with Earth"

This makes all the servants come in a group looking at the photo in her phone, everyone of them searching the photo and it was on top trending on Thailand.

"Are they dating" said N'Chimon

"They're obviously dating!" said Khun'Mai

"They even feeding each other!" said N'Arm

"Ship itttt" said Pluem

"No wonder.." said Khun'Jane

"What is it?" said Tay suddenly

"Here, look at this P', our young' Prince went a date with Earth, the famous conglomerate group ever" said Pluem

"This morning, the young' Prince waking up so damn early, he even changed the outfit that I prepared to Pink, he's so excited today, I have never see him like this before" said Khun'Jane

"This is getting interesting" said Khun'Mai

"They're so good together, both comes from the Royal family" said N'Chimon

"Both are damn rich" said N'Arm

"I ship it" said Pluem

Suddenly, Tay jealous and he looks like being possessed by mad devil and a dull spirit at the same time. Tay getting jealous because he thinks that someone else could make the young' Prince happier than he could. And he leaves the kitchen without finishing his breakfast and leaving the maids and the servants.

"What was that.." said Khun'Jane

They all look at Tay leaves the kitchen. They're wondering why Officer Tay didn't finish his meals, because usually Tay never leave any food in his plate, he always finished his meals.


It's almost evening, finally Newwiee arrived at the Palace, when he take off the seatbelt suddenly Earth said:
"Can P' see you again?"

"Okay kaaa.." said Newwiee

"Call me P'Earth"

"Uhm, okay.. P'Earth, P'Earth right?" said Newwiee

"I like y.. It, till I meet you again my Yai'Nong" said Earth and he keep smiling at Newwiee

"Uhmm, I gotta go now, bubye~" said Newwiee


When Newwiee enter the Palace, suddenly he see Tay right waiting in front of him.

"Oh~ you're here" said Newwiee happily looking at Tay

"Oh? Ahh, you're finally back" said Tay in a serious tone

"Y-yes.." said Newwiee

"What are you doing?" said Tay and he comes closer to Newwiee

"I-I didn't do anything.." said Newwiee while he avoiding Tay's eyes

"Going out with strangers like that, coming back so late, not even tell where you going, you're making everyone worry about you" said Tay

(N'Dae: It's you the only one worried Tay)

"Why are you talking like that?" said Newwiee

"Why? I can't said that to you?" said Tay

"Cannot" said Newwiee

"So?" said Tay

"I can do whatever I want, I can meet anyone and it's up to me. Why would I listen to you? said Newwiee

"Because you're M I N E" said Tay


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