Apocalypse Struck - II

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While the people of Starburst camp - as Luu and Flower learned - were eating and chatting happily, the two newcomer was sitting uncomfortably at the table of Ly'syl and Rhena.

"Alright, that's it!" Luu stated as she raised her head and looked at Flower.

"That's it what?" Rhena asked with a raised eyebrow, while she was munching on her portion of bread and ham.

"This is boring! I used to run till my legs couldn't carry me from the Wasteland's creatures, and if that happened I had to fight them." Luu said as she put her head down again, between her arms that were crossed over on the table.

"That's how we met. I was being chased by a pack, and she was just running, trying to find a camp. Upon seeing me, she came and saved me. Ever since, we ran together." Flower shrugged as she joined Luu in her doings.

"You two are complete weirdos." A camp member said from a neighbouring table.

"Oh? Say that when you saw her sleep!" FG laughed as she motioned to Luu with her hand, pointing a thumb at her.

"Hey! It was the only way to be safe while we slept!" Luu tried to reason, while Ly'syl and Rhena just looked at each other, trying to process what was going on around them.

"Would you two be quiet for a bit so some people can enjoy their meals?!" Raven said pointedly at the two girls, recieving a glare from FG.

"Boy, you are not of age to talk to me like that, nor will you be tolerated to be talking to me like that, mutt." Luu growled at the golden eyed teenager.

"Oh please! I could take you out in my dreams." Raven smirked into Luu's face.

"Oh please. She could beat half of you alone." Flower scoffed to the reddening teenager.

"Ha! I'd like to see that!" Raven said back as he stood up and came over to where Luu and the others were sitting at, making Luu turn in his direction.

"Your stealth would be a minus four if you could be graded. Your anger management would be a minus six, and your big mouth would be a plus twenty to say the least." Luu growled as she stood up, and towered over the poor boy in her bloody clothes.

"Who needs stealth when those creatures can smell you out?!" Rhena interjected into the conversation.

"Oh? Well, you, Raven and all the other werewolves should be able to smell them, including me. If you can't, that means there's something wrong, or you just haven't lived among them long enough to know which scent is theirs." Luu growled now turning towards the ruby haired fox.

"Well excuse you-" Rhena started but was cut off by a loud shout.

"You three shut up, NOW!" Ly'syl shouted at the arguing people.

Rhena obeyed and shut her mouth, right after sitting down and sending a glare to Luu.

Raven huffed but nonetheless did as she was told as well.

But Luu? She turned to face Ly'syl with an angry glare plastered on her face, that was red from anger. After all, werewolves didn't like being told what to do, expect if it's their Alpha who says so.

"You, human have great nerves to try to tell a werewolf what to do." She growled.

"And what if I did? You're on my territory, you do as I say." Ly'syl said back coldly.

"Wrong choice of words..." FG muttered to herself lowly.

"Oh? Your territory? Than sorry to be intruding, Alpha, I'll be on my way so you'll never hear of me again." Luu retorted back to Ly'syl just as coldly as he spoke to her.

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