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As the teacher drawled on and on about Romeo and Juliet and the themes of loyalty in the story, Aquarius stared out the window as the sound of a lawnmower droned on in the field. She had been doing so for the last ten minutes, and although she knew that she might be confused when the time for doing work rolled around, it was relaxing. Plus she was tired, so that made it okay. Funnily enough, she was always tired...

In English, the desks were arranged into tables, and Aquarius sat on one with Libra, to her right, and she faced Scorpio and Pisces. The window she was staring out of was right behind them, and the late afternoon heat was definitely starting to affect everyone. Scorpio's dark head was flopping around lazily in her bun as she rested her head on the desk, and Pisces was wearing a vacant expression as he rested his chin on his hand. Libra was yawning quietly and fanning himself with a worksheet. Luckily, the day had gone by without any unrest among them, so Aquarius could listen to her music peacefully. It was really quite disturbing whenever there was tension while you were trying to relax. 

But today? Today was good. Aquarius felt a little leap of joy in the fact that today had passed by peacefully - well, the day wasn't completely over, but reaching last lesson without any arguments was still very impressive. 

Their teacher finally stopped rambling and set them some work to do, making Scorpio shut her eyes in pain. Aquarius looked at the worksheet and figured that she might as well get this over and done with. Libra groaned, but did the same. 

Pisces and Scorpio on the other hand were looking at it as though it were a foreign language. Pisces looked beyond Aquarius' shoulder and gave a hopeless smile. "Well. I'm fucked. Libra, Aquarius, what does any of this...well...mean? Tell me what this" - he pointed to a sentence that they had to analyse - "Mean?! " 

"It means that we're going to fail English," said Scorpio, "And that Shakespeare wanted people to suffer."

Libra rolled his eyes and started fanning himself again. "This was how people spoke back then, and if you try and read the sentence over and over again, it does actually make a bit of sense."

"Who in gods name has the will to read this bullshit multiple times?" Scorpio said desperately. "If that's my only chance of passing these exams, then it's goodbye college, because I am not going to subject myself to this suffering." 

Aquarius glanced over at Libra, and saw his stare harden. "If you want," she said, "I can help you study in exam season. I'm sure Virgo will help you too."

Pisces and Scorpio gave her a surprised look. "Wow, really?" 

Aquarius nodded, but Scorpio had a thoughtful look on her face. Pisces gave her a look. "Don't you want help?" he asked curiously. 

"No. I'd just rather not have Virgo help us, because then Capricorn will ask about our progress because he's nosy, and if we keep failing classes then we'll be lectured. So are you up for helping us on your own Aqua?" 

Aquarius widened her eyes a little, and said, "But Virgo is so much smarter than me."

The water signs looked at one another, until Pisces shrugged and gave Aquarius a small smile. "Do you really think we care about how smart you are? Look at me, I don't get any of this! Comparing yourself to Virgo is pointless anyway, she's smarter than everyone, and besides, we both want it to be you that helps us. If you're still up for it." Scorpio gave a grin and nod of approval, before going back to copying Libra's work. 

The blonde was just about to thank him for the encouragement, until a small breeze from the right blew her hanging hair over her face.; and apparently, the other two and felt it as well. 

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