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The signs were both on edge but also excited in a strange sort of way. They'd congratulated Sagittarius and Pisces for their mostly successful mission, even though it scared them to know that this CLCI knew about their abilities. Which, after reading the papers, was very bad. Turned out this group had only disguised itself as a crime eradication group, and were in fact an extremist group in search of their stones, which according to some myth or conspiracy that was covered up by the government decades ago, could grant anybody supernatural powers. This was true and false at the same time. It did grant them powers, but only them. They knew this because a week or so ago, Aries and Libra had once tried swapping stones to see if they could use those abilities, but nothing happened. Plus, they both felt like crap and had terrible headaches afterwards, so that was never attempted again. 

It was mid afternoon and most of them had gone into town with the exception of Aries, and Leo thought it was safe to say that this cabin fever was starting to get to him. Though he wasn't as snarky as he was a few months ago, he was definitely starting to show aggressive behaviour again (which got tiring for him pretty quickly.) Though Leo tried to spend as much time with him as possible, he too felt frustrated whenever he remembered how hot it was outside. They could be going on beach trips, hanging out at the park, skating...but no. They were stuck. 

Sometimes Leo, and Sagittarius too, would both leave him alone in the house, but his mood was always awful whenever they got back. No matter how much the redhead begged to be let outside, Capricorn would always firmly tell him no, with an anxious Virgo at his side. It was the beginning of June, which meant that Leo's season began next month. This always managed to cheer him up a bit; but still. He wished for nothing more than to just hang out with his friends in the sun. 

A few days later, and Leo decided to have a day to himself. It was a school day sure, but he was more than used to skiving. He would attend the first two lessons then bunk off when break came and do as he pleased. The others knew he did this, but it was no big deal. As long as they all had passable marks in most of their classes, it was okay. 

He strutted the field to where the fence to the backstreets were, hands in pockets. The fence was too high to jump, but he was sure that he could do it. But instead, he went for the usual method of finding a gap and slipping through it. He looked over to that certain fence panel, and saw that someone was already making their way through it, but didn't say anything. 

He stepped over, and thought that this person looked very familiar...

They felt him staring and whipped their head around, straw waves flicking the fence as they did so. Leo stumbled back, and then laughed. "Cancer?! Is that you?"

Cancer relaxed as he realised it was only Leo, and slipped through the fence. "Yeah it is," he said from the other side, "And I'm sick of maths. You coming too?"

Leo shuffled his way through and appeared next to him, and sorted out his hair. "Yep," he smiled. "I didn't know you bunked off too though," he said as they walked. "I always took you for an angel who never did anything wrong."

"Yeah, me, Pisces and Scorpio do it quite a lot, but we don't tell anyone else."

"How come nobody notices you're gone? Are you ninja?"

"Damn, you found out my must promise not to tell anyone!"

They both laughed and found themselves in a friendly area. There were lots of cafes and restaurants around and benches to sit on. The pavement was cobbled and it was a pedestrian zone, giving it a nice feel. 

Cancer jabbed a thumb towards a milkshake bar. "D'you wanna go there?" he asked. 

Leo stared for a couple of seconds then burst out laughing. "That's where you guys go?"

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