A Flight to L.A.

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A couple of hours had passed; I was still sitting with Izumi in the waiting room while texting with Gaia. She had already landed and was heading out from the Ottawa airport.
But then, I heard a crackling noise coming from the speakers...an announcement!! I looked up to the departure sign and, while the announcement told us that the flights to the western States were going to depart again, there it was! Another flight to Los Angeles popped up on the screen!

I immediately looked towards Izumi, that had been asleep for around thirty minutes, and woke her up, shaking lightly her shoulders.
Her eyes slowly opened and darted to the departure sign as soon as she noticed my ecstatic expression. Seeing it, she locked eyes with me and her features morphed into an expression similar to mine. We were smiling like two kids whose parents told them they were going to Disneyland.

I didn't wait to update my ex about the news. She was very happy for us!

It was around noon, like 12:30, but to me it felt like 6:30 p.m., due to the jet lag.
We had thirty minutes before embarking so we had a little time for us, since we had already checked in. But, since people had already started gathering at the gate, we thought it would've been better if we lined up too.

Half an hour passed like nothing.
As we embarked on the plane, a six hours and a half flight was ahead of us before arriving to destination.

We both fell asleep mid-flight, exhausted after this troubled day.

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