Chapter 4

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The next day I walk to school happier than I'd ever thought I'd be. Today I was going to share a secret right in front of that Peter Parker's face. Can't wait to wipe the smirk off of it.

"Hey MJ." I stop the bookworm at her locker.
"Wassup Iz?" She says.
"I have something hilarious for lunch."
"Okay? Can't wait?"
"Nevermind. It'll make more sense then. Just promise you'll go with it?"
"Yeah sure, let's get to math, 'kay?"

We walk to math and pass Parker in the hall. I send him a flirty smirk and raise my eyebrow walking by.

He rolls his eyes and follows us into the classroom, sitting at his desk with Ned across the aisle way.

"Alright class, can anyone tell me what the slope of this line is?" The teacher asks. The equation is -7x-5y=25.

Peter raises his hand and the teacher calls on him.
"The slope is -7x."
"Correct, Peter."
No it isnt. I raise my hand and the teacher then calls on me.
"The slope of the line is actually -7/5x." I say smiling.
"You're saying both Peter and I are incorrect with our math?"

The teacher makes his way to the front of his desk and crosses his arms.
"Tell me, Isabella, you think I'm teaching incorrectly?"
"Well, not teaching incorrectly, you simply miscalculated the equation and I'm telling you so those who take notes don't take incorrect notes." MJ elbows me to shut up. The teacher doesn't look very amused.

"Then why don't you teach us something, Miss Clayborne." He says, holding out a marker.
I walk to the front white board and begin.

"Well, it's a pretty common mistake. In math, the slope is the number that sits before the 'x', but in this case the equation is not in Slope Intercept Form, therefor the execution of the math was wrong. When you put it in S.I.F., the new equation is -5y=7x+25, you then divide by -5 and the answer is y=-7/5x-5. In the end, the slope is equal to negative seven-fifths."

I smile and sit down. The teacher looks at my work, sighs, and congratulates me.
"Yep that's actually correct, sorry Parker." I look sideways to Peter and he's erasing half of his notes. MJ sneaks a high-five under the desk and whispers 'nice one' in my ear.

Throughout the day, I kept doing small things to irritate Peter. In bio, I recited the entire human skeletal system loud enough for Peter to hear. In gym, I showed off to literally everyone.
On Caldera, it's natural for one to be gifted in the athletic department.
And then in history, I tapped my pencil the whole class. You know, just little things.

Finally, when lunch came around, I reminded MJ to go with it. She closed her book and began the conversation.
"So Izzy, how was your evening?" She asked.
"Oh you know, homework and all. But someone super cool came over."
"Ooh tell me more." She said, inching closer to sell it. At last, we had caught Peter's attention. He was waiting for Ned to get his lunch so it was just the three of us at the table.

"Spider-Man came to my house."

Peter's P.O.V

What? No I didn't. I don't even know where Izzy lives. All I went last night was to...the Tower...Mr. all makes sense now. She's Psych!!

Well two can play at that game.

She had found something else to talk to MJ about, and I could not stop glancing at her. Her blonde hair, her badass attitude. I mean, she wasn't really a bad kid, but she sure as hell acted like one. Must have learned from Natasha.

"Peter? You with me?" Ned snapped in my face.
"Huh? Yeah. Sorry." I mumbled. "What were you saying?"
"I wanted to know of you'd want to come over and build the Death Star with me." He repeated.
"Oh uh, yeah. I'll have to check with-"
"The Stark internship yeah I know."

Lunch was over and I had finished my plan to play back with Izzy.
I cornered her at her locker before fifth period.

"So what planet are you from?" I asked her.
"I'm sorry?" She asked.
"I'm asked you where you were from, since you've transferred."
"Oh, right." She stuttered. "Chicago. I told you that yesterday."
Damn. She remembered.

The rest of the day I kept asking her Avenger-related questions to mess with her.
"Do what does your dad do?"
"Uh-science stuff." She was obviously annoyed.
"Where do you live?"
"Are you trying to be a creep, Peter?" MJ interrupts. I hold my hands up in defense and keep walking. Someone grabs my wrist from behind a corner and I'm against the lockers, Izzy's forearm across my neck. I was scared, and possibly a bit turned on.

"Okay listen up, Parker." She stared straight at me, her green eyes burned of irritation.
"We both know that you're Spandex and I'm whatever I am. But we're not going to let that get between us, okay? Tony said I'm attending Midtown strictly so the media doesn't follow us, not because I want to be here. So here's how it's going to work, we're going to be mutual friends until Tony needs us at the Tower."

I just nod because I have no words. Never have I been so scared, and I've fought all of the Avengers one-on-one, and other threats.

She let's go and walks away, probably to the Tower.
"Hey wait up!" I call after her. She's stopped a few feet away by Liz. Oh man, Liz I could talk about Liz for hours-wait no I couldn't. Nevermind.

"Everything okay?" I ask, catching up.
"Totally, Peter. I was just asking Izzy if she'd like to join the Decathlon team. C'mon Izzy, you have to." Liz pleads.
"Yeah, Izzy. It's amazing." I smirk at her, crossing my arms.

"Well now I have to!" She says, throwing her arms up.
Liz squeals and claps her hands.
"I'm sure Peter can give you the details for next meet, seeing as close you two are."

"Close? Please." We both say, glaring at each other.
"Mhm, right. Well, see you guys around." Liz says, waving over her shoulder.

Final bell rang and a small prayer leaves Izzy's lips.

"See ya 'round, Peter." She says.

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