Chapter 19

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Steve's P.O.V
Present Day
Avengers Tower
Training Room

It was one of my favorite days of the week, training day. Held every Sunday to put misery on those sore for the week after.

No, not really, but it is fun, in my opinion.

I call the team to suit up, we train in suits and street clothes, and meet in five. Izzy and Peter are both here, but seem to be keeping distance.

"Izzy, I told you this was suit training." I said, pointing to her athletic clothes.
"Oh, sorry." Her clothes changed into her suit before my eyes.
"Wha-?" She brushed me off.

"Okay, so how today's training is going to work, is first, unarmed, and all up to who Nat thinks can fight eachother."

Nat steps forward.
"Peter, you can probably fight..." She looks around.
"Steve." Everyone 'ooh's as i step into the ring.

I've gotta say, the kid's got years on me, I mean eveyone does, but he's the youngest here.

Peter puts on the gloves and hops into the make-shift boxing ring.

Tony starts us off, and he wastes no time to jab.

Fists and feet come at me from every direction. He might be fast, but he's distracted; comentating the entire fight.

"Nice try, kid," I say, slamming him to the floor of the ring.
"But don't talk so much and you'll be golden."
Everyone applauds and Tony helps Peter out of the ring.

"Okay, Nat," I say, pulling my gloves off.
"Who's next?"

She looks around the ring of Avengers before choosing Izzy. She hops up into the ring, tightening her gloves' straps with her teeth.

"Iz is good enough to fight...Bucky." Nat decides.
"You sure?" Bucky asks Izzy more than Nat. They both nod.
He gets into the ring, putting only one glove on.

"Begin." Tony says, stepping out of the way quickly.

Iz is very skilled when it comes to hand-on-hand combat. She's trained in several martial arts and holds titles somewhere.

She lunges for Bucky, jabbing to distract him then kicking him in the side. Bucky takes every blow she gives him, only to return her the favor.

Grabbing her shirt collar and throwing her around, Izzy rolls and dives out of the way of a kick.

He throws a hook, Izzy ducks and spins him, holding him in a head lock.

"Let's try this again, shall we? Don't go easy on me, Barnes." Izzy threatens, letting go of the head lock.

She turns to walk to the opposite side of the ring when Bucky pulls her ankle, forcing her to fall. Her head hits the floor, causing a nose bleed.

"Alright, we're done-" I start.
"I'm fine." Izzy says, standing up and wiping the blood away.

She pulls the gloves off and cracks her knuckles, then her neck. She holds her hands up, and they begin again.

Izzy throws a jab then a right kick, swings around to kick with her left, which Bucky grabs and throws her into a roll.
She backs up to the edge and Nat smiles at her tactic.
Sure enough, Bucky takes the bait.

He punches at her and she grabs his wrist, goes under his arm, and takes him down with an arm bar.

Her hair, falling out of her two braids, flops messy in front of her eyes. She exhales quickly to move her bangs.

"And now we're done." Bucky groans from the floor, his face half squished.

Izzy gets up and hops out of the ring, Nat high-fiving her, then examining her busted lip and bruises.

"Well done, Izzy, and Nat for training her." Tony says, applauding. Izzy looks at Tony and smiles, but her demeanor is soon dark again when she sees Peter.

"Alright, team. Let's take a break and we'll pick this up in a few." I say, clapping my hands together.

"Is there something going on between you two?" I heard Tony ask Peter.

Peter shrugged, and Tony went to ask Izzy. I couldn't hear her response but she seemed ticked off that Tony asked.

"I know you may not want to talk because of what Tony just asked, but if you need someone, I'm here." I offered to Iz.

"Thanks, Steve. I might take you up on that offer."

"Alright, everyone. If it's okay with you, Cap, I'd like to call it a day and rest up. The kiddos have school tomorrow." Tony suggested.

We all agreed and ordered pizza. Conversation sparked around the table of random things; school, summer break, Asguardian jokes.

It sounds creepy, but sitting back, watching my team engaged in what everyone has to say, is nice, seeing everyone get along.
For the most part. Tony and I still have to figure out what's going on between the youngins.

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