~Your Favorite Song to Listen to Together~ (C)

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Anakin Skywalker: "Hey Ya" by OutKast

The song might not have been a part of either one of you guys' favorite genre of music, but you liked listening to it together because of how fun it was to do so. You discovered this one day while listening to the radio - the song came on and you both knew every word. Now, the two of you practically put on a concert every time it comes on.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "House of the Rising Run" by The Animals

You'd never know it unless you were close to him, but Obi-Wan loved soft rock and classic rock ballads. At least once a day, you both would belch out the lyrics to the song, and usually it was terribly off-tune. Occasionally Obi even sung along to the guitar's parts.

Qui-Gon Jinn: "My Kind of Girl" by Michael Buble

Qui-Gon wasn't an avid music listener. When he did listen to music, though, it was usually modern jazz. One of the reasons it's your favorite is because when it comes on, Qui-Gon will insist on dancing with you. The only times he doesn't ask are around other jedi(for obvious Jedi Code reasons). Also, the lyrics of the song remind him of you.

Luke Skywalker: "She Looks So Perfect" by 5 Seconds of Summer

He'd never admit it, but Luke loved listening to music that had a fun, cheery, and sometimes boy-bandish sound.  You walked in on him singing it one day, which embarrassed him at first, but he wasn't as embarrassed once you started singing with him.

Finn: "Best Around" by Joe Esposito

Finn had a knack for 80's music and movies, which led to his favorite song being in his favorite movie. He's forced you to watch "Karate Kid" about a million times, so you hearing it in that movie so many times along with how much he played it meant the song was bound to grow on you.

Poe Dameron: "Back to You" by Selena Gomez

The tradition of you guys listening to the song together started when you were flying in his ship one day and turned the song on. He'd asked if you liked the song, which drew a hesitant nod from you, and he started belching out the words to the song. The words might not have been accurate to the actual song lyrics, but he sung them loud enough for the whole galaxy to hear him.

Kylo Ren: "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5

Kylo usually listened to music with more of a heavy rock sound, but he liked listening to that song when he was with you. Nobody would've ever thought him to be a romantic person, but the song reminded him of you, so having you around while it was playing made it so much better for him.

Han Solo: "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" by Lenny Kravitz

Specifically when flying in the Millenium Falcon, you two enjoyed listening to music with a laid-back sound. It varied from R.E.M. to Santana to slower Harry Styles music, but Lenny Kravitz was by far you guys' favorite.

A/N: If I forgot any people you guys would like to see(because I feel like I have), then please let me know in the comments! Thank you so much for reading!

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