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Zach's POV

The boys and I finally get to rest for the night.

This past couple weeks have taken a lot out of all of us.

We had to do so many shows and interviews this week it's been crazy.

I haven't had much time to talk to Kylie either.

I'm laying in my bunk clearing some notifications and I see I have something from Jess and Kylie in the group chat on Snapchat.

I click on the notification and wait for the video Jess sent to load.

I click on it again and Kylie pops up on my screen. I turn the volume up and hear Timelapse.

Shes standing on her bed dancing and singing into a hair brush.

She's such a dork. I love this video so much though. I'm gonna have to tell Jess to send it to me if She saved it.

She really loves this song. She turned it up in the car too.

I miss her so much.

I close Snapchat and open my pictures.

I go through the camera roll to the pictures we took when I spent a couple days with her.

My favorite picture we took is still my lock screen.

Kylie and i talked and she said that it would be okay if we told the fans about us.

I open Twitter and click my favorite picture to post.

I miss my girl <3

I post the picture and then scroll through my timeline.

After about 20 minutes of scrolling I get bored and close out of Twitter.

It's pretty late to call Kylie so I just decide to try and sleep.

The pillow feels so nice.

Just as i am about to fall asleep I hear Kylie's ringtone

"Hey beautiful" I say

" I miss you" she sounds sad

"I miss you too. So much"

It's quiet on the other end. Too quiet.


"Yeah I'm here"

It sounds like she's been crying.

Then I hear faint sobs. Yep she's definitely crying.

"Hey it's alright. Why are you crying?"

She cries a little louder this time.

"Y-you don't deserve to b-be with him, he could have a-anyone else why did he choose you? Oh. Here's my favorite, m-maybe if she starved herself she'll be pretty."

Hate comments. Why did I not think about that?

"Kylie baby you can't listen to those people. They're just jealous they're not in your place. People are cruel and their only way to make themselves feel better is to tear everyone else down."

"don't they kn-ow that h-hurts people?"

" yes. Sadly. I get a lot of hate comments but I ignore them because i know what's right and they're just doing it to be mean. You can't read into it"


" hey switch to FaceTime I need to talk to your face" I say


We switch to FaceTime and I now see her sad yet beautiful eyes.

They're more red than usual though since she's currently crying.

"I'm sorry I look like a rat" she says

"No. you're beautiful. It sucks that you're crying. I'm sorry people suck. "

She wipes her eyes and brings her blanket up to her face.

That's how she likes to sleep. Something about the comforting softness rubbing on her cheeks.

"I wish I was there. I miss having you fall asleep in my arms"

" I miss that too. You're so warm. " she mumbled.

"You look tired do you want to sleep?"

" yes but I miss you and your presence is comforting "

She's so cute.

"I can stay if you want"


She's almost asleep already.

"Hey Zach"


" Can you sing me something"

"What song?"

" Never Know "

"Cuz only never comes when nevers all ya know. I'm tired of running from tomorrow I lie awake on sleepless nights." I sing quietly

I get about halfway through the song when I hear her soft snore.

I check to make sure she's asleep just Incase she wanted me to keep going.

"Goodnight Kylie" I whispered and hung up.

I lay back and think about everything that just happened.

This is the first time Kylie has come to me with someone that was bothering her.

She's finally beginning to trust me I think.

That makes me so happy.

It sucks that she's sad though.

I wish I could hold her right now.

God I miss her so much.

Then I get an idea.

I get out of my bunk and find whoever is awake.

I see Jonah sitting in the back room reading something.

"Hey Jonah. I need you to help me with something."

" Whatcha need? " he looks up from his book.

"I want to see Kylie but we don't go near her anytime soon so I was thinking we have a week break in LA and maybe we could fly her and Jess out."

He looks at me with a very blank expression

"First of all, you didn't breathe one time in that whole sentence. And second. I can talk to everyone and see what we can do"

" you are the best. Thank you"

He nodded and pulled out his phone

He started texting someone, I'm assuming our manager.

"I'll tell you the plan tomorrow when I get an answer. Go to sleep you look awful"

Gee thanks. I am pretty tired though.

I say thank you to Jonah one more time before I go back to my bunk.

I might get to see Kylie soon.

I hope everything works out.

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