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Kylie's POV

The Herrons go home today.

I'm not ready for them to leave yet though.

I guess they gotta go sometime.

We're currently on our way to the airport.

All the guys except Zach said goodbye at the house.

Zach's been quieter than usual but that's to be expected.

He really doesn't know when he'll get to see everyone again.

We got to the airport and now it's time to say our goodbyes.

I say goodbye to Ryan first.

"Bye my dude. Thanks for putting up with all my singing" I laugh and give him a hug

Next is Josh. "Man, I really like you" he walks over and gives me a hug

"I like you too Josh" I laugh

Reese runs to me and latches on to my waist.

"I don't wanna go yet"

I bend down to her level

"I know. But hey. You can FaceTime me anytime you want Okay?"


Last was Myta.

She walks up to me and wraps her arms tightly around me.

We stay like this for a while until she breaks apart.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say

"I'll miss you too" she gives me a small smile and turns to board her flight.

We wave until everyone is through the gate and out of sight.

"That's always really sad." I look over to see Zach tearing up.

I go to him and kiss his cheek.

"I know babe. I'm sorry"

He grabs my hand and we turn to head to the car.



That's what I do when I'm sad. I always go for milkshakes.

"Where do you wanna go?" Zach asks getting into the car

"Cold Stone has the best." I say

"You right"

The car ride there was pretty quiet.

Neither of us really felt like talking.

After about 30 minutes we arrive at Cold Stone Creamery.

"Which flavor are you gonna get?" Zach says looking at everything they had.

"Cake batter" I say and move towards the order counter.

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