Hell No

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A/n: so this is my second Ethma book. I wanted to make one set in high school so here we go.

Emma's P.O.V
I was walking into school with Ellie and Hannah. That is walking into the absolute hell hole that is New Jersey Girls Prep (NJGP). You might think that as a private all girls school it would be nice or clean possibly sanitary. But no. The school was just a bunch of sluts that lived for getting high off crack.

We walked into first period history and I was ready to rip my fucking eyes out. Most of the girls were on their phones except that is for the three girls that could only dream of sucking John Adams dick to get a 4.0. 

Three periods later it was lunch. Sweet holy lunch. I sat w my two favorite hoes Hannah and Ellie obvi. We all ate the chipotle we had post mated in 4rd period. Then off to 5th ugg.
I got to class and sat in my normal seat. The teacher came in just a second late looking rather distressed. She took a breath and came to the front of the class. "Uh g-guys we have an all school assembly" she chocked out. Everyone muttered in confusion, I personally took it as an excuse to get out of algebra.

We walked out to the gym, the sweaty, dirty sock smelling gym. I walked up and finally found Ellie, "What the hell is going on?!?" She whisper screamed. I just gave her a shrug and turned my attention to our now present principal. "It truly pains me" wow bs alert "to tell you that our school is closing down. You will all have secured spots at Chelcon High." Woah. I wasn't wasn't expecting that. Chelcon was hard as hell to get into. I mean no surprise the school closed, I don't think it's met a safety standard since 1473. With that blunt announcement we were sent back to class, we were told that our parents were just notified and tomorrow was our last day. Damn that's gonna be a change.

The assembly took all of 5th so I went to 6th. It was my favorite period. Home room. I decided to take advantage of no lesson plan and make the most of it w Ellie and Hannah. We went to the back and decided to chill and just talk when a ta (teachers assistant) brought in a counseling slip and shocker it was for me. I walked step by step thinking of any possible reason I'd see a councilor. I was pretty perfect so oh well.

I stepped into Mr. Johnson's office and he greeted me with a warm smile. "Hey Emma how you been" he was the one teacher I liked. "I'm good Mr.J. Just a little confused as to why  I'm here." He gave me a long look of sympathy. "Look Emma the school only had 399 places at Chelcon. And ur kinda the 400th student. Your mom has been talked to and ur going to go to Raider High." Raider high. Raider fucking high. RAIDER MOTHER FUCKING HIGH. That was the only school with an 1000 mile radius worse than NJGP. "B-but mr Johnson. Please." All he could do was give me a warm smile. You'll start tomorrow so today is your last day. Your last hour in fact." I couldn't believe it. All I could do was walk out. "Emma wait, between you and me there's a party tonight that some of the Raider students are throwing. I think your friend Olivia knows the host. The Dolan twins maybe? Good luck." A party...well this could be interesting.

A/n: so not a v long chapter srry abt that. But I low key love the plot I'm setting up. Please vote if you enjoyed

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