Herman Kozik

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You sighed as your baby girl let out a very loud cry causing people to stare at you two where you were standing , waiting next to a picnic table

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You sighed as your baby girl let out a very loud cry causing people to stare at you two where you were standing , waiting next to a picnic table.
   You were waiting in front of the club for Kozik to get off of work so you could give him a ride home and you were hoping Leslie would be content enough to not start crying, but we can't always get what we want.
   You picked her up out of her carrier and bounced her up and down gently, trying to console her.
   "Aww c'mon shh, it's okay." you cooed, to no avail.
   You were still trying to calm her down when Kozik walked up a few minutes later.
   "Aw hey, what's the problem grumpy pants?" he asked Leslie, gently taking her from your arms and making soothing motions while making funny faces at her.
   She slowly stopped crying and then started laughing.
   You had no idea how Kozik did it, but whenever he was with your little girl she was the most happy and well behaved baby you had ever seen.
   He smiled at  her once more before placing Leslie back in her carrier and giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, lingering a little longer than necessary.
   The thing with you and Kozik was that you had met him way back in college when you had first  come to Charming and you had known each other for years now. You two were never up front with your feelings but you both were super smitten with each other.   
   You eventually had given up on ever dating him and you settled for a friend you had made somewhere in college.
   Long story short he had gotten you pregnant but bailed the moment he found out. Ever since then Kozik had been coming around a lot more often and was acting almost as a father figure to your baby girl.
   Not to mention he and you had been flirting majorly.
   You two started making your way towards your car and were about to reach it when Kozik grabbed Leslie's carrier out of your hand.
   "I've got her." he said giving you a smile and opening the car door so he could buckle her in.
   The sight of Kozik talking to your baby girl as he buckled her seat in was about the cutest thing you'd ever seen in your life.
   After he had gotten done with her he closed the door and turned to see your staring.
   "See somethin' you like darlin'?" he asked shooting you one of his signature smirks.
   "Maybe I do." you said with a smile, sending a playful wink his way.
   You saw him blush slightly as you both got in the car and headed in the direction of Kozik's house.
   "Hey do you maybe want to go do something? We could take Leslie on a walk through the park if you want." he said, looking hopeful.
   "Yeah, that sounds great." you smiled, changing your direction
   ****Time Skip****
   After you had arrived and put Leslie in her stroller and you three took off walking the trails that ran through the park.
   After walking for about 20 minutes you found an open grassy patch and you took out the blanket you kept under Leslie's stroller and you spread it out on the ground.
   You and Kozik took a seat, leaving Leslie in her stroller for the time being.
   You two were just taking time and soaking in the sun when you decided to strike up conversation.
   "It's such a beautiful day." you said taking a deep breath of the warm summer air.
   He was quiet for a minute before answering "I can think of something more beautiful." and giving you a cheeky smile, causing you to blush.
   "You're a dork." you said trying to dismiss his comment.
   He let out a loud laugh before he leaned back on his hands.
   "I may be a dork but I know what I want out of my life." he said, oddly changing the subject.
   "Oh and what's that?" you asked, intrigued.
   He looked over at you before speaking.
   "Well I'd like a dog. Maybe one of those small ones that yip a lot." he said trying to remain serious but failing and cracking up.
   You roll your eyes at him before letting out a few chuckles of your own.
   "But seriously you big dope, what do you want?" you asked mirroring his position, leaning back on your hands.
   He got quiet for a few minutes before looking at you sheepishly.
   "You. I want you, and Leslie of course." he said staring deep into your eyes.
   You blushed and looked down, trying to hide it.
   What he didn't expect was for you to suddenly lean over and kiss him.
   It started slow and sweet but soon grew passionate and kind of rough.
   He gently lay you down on the blanket before weaving his hands in your hair and deepening the kiss.
   You two pulled away for air when you heard your baby girl start babbling happily, and you both turn to see her staring at you two and smiling, causing you two to start laughing.
   "I'd say she'd be okay with it, what about you mama?" he asked tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, still hovering over you.
   You pretended to take a moment to think really hard before you answered him.
   "I mean I guess I would be okay with it." you said dramatically adding a little eye roll at the end for effect.
   "Don't be a smartass." he chuckled giving your butt a light smack.
   "Okay, okay. Kozik I'd love to have you around." you said smiling up at him.
   He smiled at you before leaning down for another kiss, almost as if to seal the deal.

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