chapter 1

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Sasha's POV

Grade school

Today was my first day of school I was starting the fifth grade I was wearing blue jeans purple convers and a purple shirt. Sasha are you ready my mom calls out yeah I'll be down in a second I grab my back pack and start running down the stairs are you ready to go my mom asks yeah mom where's dad "your father is in the car waiting to take you to school" Oh okay bye mom I say as I'm walking out the door I enter the car and my dad starts the car and starts driving me to school "so Sasha are you ready for your first day of school" I don't know I'm really really nervous what if I do something stupid I say " Sasha it will be okay your strong you can do this" Yeah your right I can do this I'm Sasha Banks the car stops and I realize I'm at the school I say bye to my dad and start heading towards the entrance I take a deep breath and walk inside the school I go to the front office and when I open the door I see a girl sitting there she was wearing a black shirt and a red flannel and black jeans and black convers and she had her hair down and was wearing a snapback hat backwords she looked like she was lost in thought until the principal comes and gets her I slowly walk towards the secretary "hi I'm Sasha Banks I'm new here" Oh hi Sasha nice to meet you I'm Mrs. Scarborough you are probably looking for your class you are in Mrs. Lee class that is room 309 "thank you bye Mrs. Scarborough" I walk out of the front office and start looking for my class when I get there I stand out side of the door and take a deep breath before walking in i walk in and everyone turns there head in looks at me I slowly walk towards the teacher and say "hi Mrs. Lee I'm your new student Sasha Banks" Oh hi Sasha nice to meet you can you please interdoce your self to the class "sure" I say Mrs. Lee gets up and gets everybodys attention " Okay okay guys listion up we have a new student that will be joining us for the rest of the year Sasha please interdoce your self " "Hi I'm Sasha Banks and I moved here from Boston because my dad got a job offer here in Orlando" Mrs. Lee says thank you and tells me to sit next to this girl who had blonde hair and this other girl with orange hair I walk towards them and sit down between them the girl with the blonde hair turns to me and starts talking "hey im Charlotte flair and that girl with the orange hair is Becky Lynch " Hello there lassy " Hi "so I hear your from Boston and your dad is a lawyer" Yeah how did you know that I ask "Charlotte's dad is the mayor he knows everyone" Yup hey Sasha you wanna hangout with me and Becky at recess "sure" Teacher starts to pass out work sheats me and Charlotte and Becky start working together on the work sheat as we work on it the door opens I turn my head towards the door and I see the same girl that was in the office she walks towards the teacher and hands her a tardy slip then goes set's down and the back next to these two guys one had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a gray muscle shirt and blue jeans and some brown boots and the other had black hair to his sholders and he was wearing a burn it down shirt and blue jeans and some nike shoes I turn back around and start focusing on my work

Me Charlotte and Becky where playing on the swings getting to know each other then see the girl from the office and the other to boys sitting on the bench i was looking at the girl thinking on why she was in the office what she do to get in trouble as I got lost In thought I hear my name being called "Sasha Sasha earth to Sasha" Oh yeah what "are you okay" Yeah lassy we been callin you for a while "oh yeah I'm fine" Oh okay just making sure "ummm.... Charlotte can I ask you a question" Sure what is it "who are they " I say pointing to the kids sitting on the bench" Oh the guy with the dirty blonde hair is Dean Ambrose and the other boy is Seth Rollins and the girl is Bayley Martinez
If I where you Sasha I would stay away from them "why?" because there trouble makers " But They don't seem like trouble makers " Trust me they are Becky say's

After school

I'm walking towards the exit lost in thought when these three girls stop me

Girl #1: look what we have here

Sasha: uhhh....  Hi

They all start laughing at me and then stop next thing you know I was pushed in to the wall and the other two girls hold me down and as I was about to get punched another girl comes and grabs the girl that was about to punch me and throws her agenst the other wall the other to girls let go of me and run straight to the gril that saved me the girl with pink hair throw a punch at the girl but she doged it and punched her in the face all the other girls where left in shock and ran off the girl who saved me helped me up "are you okay"

"yeah... I.. I'm fine thank you for saving me "

"No problem I'm Bayley what's your name? "

"I'm Sasha "

"Nice to meet you Sasha" She says shaking my hand
"So where you headed "

"The pick up area"

"Can I walk you there"

"Sure "

At home
Me and my parents are sitting at the dinner table eating

Mom: so Sasha how was your day at school


Dad: make any knew friends

Sasha: yeah I guess I did

Next day at school

I walking towards my class when I get a tap on my shoulder

"Hey Sasha "

"Hey Bayley"

"Ummm... Sasha do you wanna hangout with me and my friends at recess? "

"Sure I love to"


Me, Bayley, dean, and Seth set down on the bench and start talking and making jokes

Seth: hey dean wanna play basketball

Dean: sure

Dean and Seth both run off to play basketball leaving me and Bayley together alone

"Bayley can I ask you something "

"Sure what is it"

"Why did you save me from those three girls"

"Because your knew and I didn't wanna see you get hurt you seem like a good person and plus I don't like them"

"Oh ummm....  Bayley"


"Why did Becky and Charlotte call you and dean and Seth trouble makers you guys seem so nice in funny"

"It's cause dean and Seth's dad are in my dad's gang "

"Your dad is in a gang"

"He's the leader of it"

"What about your mom"

"My mom left when I was five I haven't seen her since"

"What about Seth and dean do they have mom's"

"Yeah they go with them on weekends anyway enough about me so what's up with you why did you move to Orlando"

"My dad got a job here so we moved here from Boston"

"Cool Sasha do you like wrestling? "

"I love wrestling"

"Really me to who's your favorite wrestler"

"Mine is Eddie Guerrero who's yours"

"Mine is macho man"

"Cool... Bayley"


"Are we friends"

"Of course we are"

"Best friends"

"Yeah best friends"

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