chapter 7

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Bayley POV

It's been a few days since I caught Alexa cheating on me after I caught her we broke up I started thinking about how we met


"Mr.jorden I don't need a tutor" "I'm sorry Bayley but the only way your going to pass this class is if you get a tutor" "Fine who is it" "I'm sure you will like her come in" I turn around to see a short girl with blonde hair and pink tips "h-hi i-i-im Bayley" "Hi I'm Alexa nice to meet you" "Bayley this will be your new tutor" "O-okay"

Flashback over

I started to smile but then that smile is replaced with a frown after I remember what Alexa did then I look at my necklace and smile if Sasha was here she be trying everything in her power to cheer me up god I miss her I miss all of them I know it's been four years but I still miss them I miss them each and every single day I know it's been four years but I'm still not over Sasha I still love her but I missed my chance and I might never see her again


I wake up from my alarm ringing i turn it off get up and do my morning routine then I grab my helmet and my keys and go outside and get on my motorcycle and drive to school I get there park in my usal spot and get off and walk over to my friends

Bayley: hey guys

AJ:hey bayls you okay

Bayley: yeah I'll be fi-

I get cut off by Nia "awww is Bayley sad cause Alexa cheated on you" "Shut up nia" "What are you going to do about it bayls" She says shoveing me "touch me again and you will find out" Nia starts laughing and shoved me again then I punched her in the face giving her a bloody nose she looks up at me "you bitch" Nia comes chargeing after me but I move away and she hits a car she slowly turns and starts getting up but I kick her in the head causing her to knock out then teachers and students come rushing towrds Nia and I

Principal office

"So Bayley are you going to tell me why you knocked out nia" "I told you like a million times she was shoveing me I told her to stop she didn't so I hit her" "I'm sorry but that doesn't sound believable I'm going to have to call your uncle and suspend you for a week" "What that's bull shit" "You know what I'll make it two weeks" "What" "Please wait outside" "Fine" I get up walk out of his office and wait after a few minutes he comes out "your uncle wants you to go home" "Okay" I leave the front office and go get on my motorcycle and drive home


I get off my motorcycle and walk inside and see a furious Aleister "why did you knock that girl out?!" "Because she was shoveing me I told her to stop but she wouldn't" "That doesn't mean you knock her out" "I'm sorry I was getting out my anger I'm really stress with everything" "Okay just go to your room" "Okay" I walk to my room and close the door behind me I go to my closet and get a scrap book I open it and look at all the old pictures of me and my friends I wish I could visit them I look at another picture that was just Sasha God I miss her I wish I can be with her see her and hold her


AJ Styles POV

I was sitting at a table with Cesaro, ember and Carmella "hey guys after school you wanna go visit Bayley" "Sure I'll go" "Me to" "What about you Cesaro" "I'll go to" "Okay then it's settled where all going to Bayley House after school" Ring... Ring... Ring...  The bell rings and we all go to class

After school

Me and Cesaro get in my truck and Carmella and Ember get in embers car and we drive to Bayley house when we got there we all got out of are vehicles and kncked on the door but no answer we knock again no answer I turn the door knob and push the door open the door was unlocked weird I think to myself me Ember, Cesaro and Carmella walk in and close the door behind us we walk towards Bayley room and open the door and I see a scrap book on the floor and I see Bayley smoking and drinking alcohol
We all walk in to Bayley room and we set on the ground with her "bayls are you okay" "I'm fine"

Cesaro: no your not

Bayley: yes I am

Cesaro: then why are you drinking and smoking again

Bayley: because it takes the pain away

Carmella: is this about Alexa?

Bayley: yes and no

Ember: then what is it about?

AJ: yeah bayls talk to us

Bayley: it's about them

She says handing us a photo of her old friends

AJ: you miss them

Bayley: yes

Carmella: is this also about Sasha

Bayley: yes

AJ: bayls it's going to be okay

Bayley: no it's not it's been four years and I haven't seen them I haven't seen Sasha I'm still not over her I still love her but she probably forgot about me already and yeah I loved Alexa but that love can't compare for the love I have for Sasha

Ember: your still in love with her

Bayley: yes and I might never see her again

Cesaro: yes you will it just takes time one day you will be able to see Sasha again one day

Bayley: then when is that day going to come because I've been waiting for four years and I still haven't seen her
My dad still hasn't come back I haven't heard from him in four years to

AJ: Bayley it's going to be okay you have us and maybe one day we all can go look for Sasha and reunite you guys

Bayley: do you mean it

AJ: of course I do

Bayley: thanks what would it do without you guys

Carmella: probably die

Bayley: yeah I probably would

Cesaro: I'm hungry

Carmella: dude your always hungry

Cesaro: so are you

Ember: okay how about we all go get some food

Bayley POV

"Okay" We all get up and then there was a knock knock... Knock... Knock...   "That's weird" "Who's here?"  Cesaro says "I don't know" Knock.. Knock... Knock...  I go to the front door and open it and my eyes widen "Dad?!"

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