The Watcher

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I watched with sharp eyes for another peek at the alien who passed by us. I wasn't entirely sure if he was there because we were or if it was purely coincidental. Either way, I lifted myself into the air and Levi quickly followed suit.

The two of us landed on a branch high off the ground, our muscles relaxing as we felt we were at a safe distance. We sat on the branch for a few minutes before our eyes caught sight of the white hair again. This time we could follow the white hair to a face and we were quite surprised to see we had a watcher. I tilted my head curiously to study him myself, never having really gotten the chance to study a Mandata up close.

His face resembled that of a man from Old Earth. He had a broader nose with wide and thick lips. His cheek bones were high up on his face and angular, giving his cheeks a hollow appearance. His skin was darker than most, but settled around the area of what coffee beans were like. His hair was pale like the rest, a striking white against his dark skin. His teeth were the same, especially when he flashed us a smile when he caught me and Levi watching him.

His hair was down to his waist and was styled into a braid, to keep it from his eyes is what I would assume. I mean, I had done the same thing when I was human. His muscles were huge, but that seemed to be pretty common amongst the species. He also was tall, about nine feet and since we are the size of the cat, that was just insanely massive to us.

In my observation, I hadn't really noticed the small steps he was taking forward. It was when I completed my overlook that I noticed he stood about five feet away from the branch we were in. Way too close for comfort if you ask me.

"Let's go," I said to Levi. It came out as a squawk to those who couldn't speak our language. Levi responded with a grunt of approval and took off into the air, myself following suit.

We flew towards a more dense area of trees, aiming to find a spot where our watcher could not follow. Levi and I landed on the grass, relishing the warmth it held rather than the harsh cold of the outside world. "We need to find somewhere to hide before he finds us again," I said while looking around.

Levi and I scanned the area and I went to say something, but Levi beat me to it. "We're going to have to dig a burrow somewhere, nothing else would hide us. Our white scales make it too easy to spot us. This is why we should have stayed away from the city, Jay. The snow hid us easily enough and now here, were two blaring targets for any of those aliens," Levi snapped.

I blinked in surprise at the sudden anger. I knew he was mad that I had come here, but I didn't think it was this bad. "Levi, we had to come. Food out there was sparse and I am not looking to die anytime soon. And based on our watcher, we don't seem to be in any harm from the Mandatas. I think you just need to relax and if you still feel the same after a month has gone by, then we can leave," I promised him.

He didn't reply, but his growl told me all the I needed. I turned and spotted a bush, deciding it would be best to burrow underneath that for added protection. I scraped at the soft ground, my claws digging up the dirt and roots easily. It was no surprise that in a matter of minutes, a burrow big enough for the two of us was formed.

I crawled inside, Levi following after me. The two of us curled up beside each other, his wing draping over me in his usual fashion. Despite his discomfort with the whole situation, I couldn't wait to see what this new home would bring. As long as it didn't involve cages, I was okay.

A/N: Well it sure has been a hot minute hasn't it? I really appreciate y'all for sticking with this, but updates may vary from now on just because school is getting busy. I will try my hardest to stick to a publishing schedule but I cannot guarantee it.

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