24) A different outcome.

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Two weeks later

Dark’s POV

“It’s fine, I’ll keep an eye on him.” I said. Devin was sitting between me and Len, sobbing quietly. My boyfriend was rubbing his back and whispering soothing words into his ear, while I was simply standing there, smoking a cigarette. I don’t give a damn if this is a hospital and I’m inside – I will smoke wherever I want. I’m stressed, I deserve it.

“It’s okay, buddy, the doctors said he’s getting better! B-Besides, it’s been only two weeks …”

“But .. what if he doesn’t wake up?! What am I going to do if he doesn’t open his eyes again?”

“You’ll get over it.” I mumbled quietly.

“He will open his eyes, Devin. I promise you, we’ll do everything we can. And don’t forget what the doctor said. His condition is definitely getting better, and if he continues to recover, he’ll eventually wake up. His eyelids were fluttering the other day when we talked to him, and he reacted a little bit when the doctor injected him that medicine! He’s going to wake up very soon, I guarantee it. In fact, I may even be tomorrow!” Len happily said and hugged Devin, rubbing his shoulders.

“Or maybe not.” I bluntly said.

“Dude, stop it.” Len scolded me.

“What, I’m just saying that maybe things won’t be all pink and happy.” I shrugged. My boyfriend sighed and helped Devin get up.

“You should be going now, it’s getting late. Do you have a car?”

“I don’t drive.” Devin sighed.

“It’s okay, I’ll drive you! I have to go to work anyway. Where do you live?”

“Thanks, but I don’t really want to leave him yet … I’ll go have a coffee and read some newspaper.” Devin said and Len obediently nodded. He was rather close to my ex, and I didn’t like that one bit. I watched them as they both left, with Len not saying a single word to me. Hell, he didn’t even look at me.

And I got mad. I got pissed. How dare he not look at me? I am his boyfriend. His perfect partner in crime. He said it – I was his cute criminal. His sexy bitсh.

I clenched my teeth before I embraced the bitter cigarette with my lips and blew the smoke out of them. My mind was completely clouded by anger and … jealousy. And I don’t even know who am I being jealous of … I love Devin so much that I actually hate him, and Len is not really helping either. I despise the attention Devin was getting, but at the same time, I hated how he looked at Len, like he was some sort of a savior.

Вitсh, he’s a savior alright, but he’s my savior.

I slowly stood up and threw my cigarette on the floor, stomping it mercilessly. Until the life was literally extinguished inside, I kept pressing my foot against the head, suffocating it and cutting its oxygen pathways. When I was done, I slowly looked at the black body on the ground and kicked it aside. I looked left and right, to make sure no one was looking, and quietly entered the patient’s room.

And there he was. Lying on the bed, all defenseless and on life support. His head was covered in bandages and it looked like he was recovering well. The doctor said that his mild coma wasn’t anything serious, and that he was going to recover quite soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe today.

I can’t take any more chances.

I walked closer to his pale body and slowly caressed his cheek. He didn’t react at all. When Devin was around, Aabel would always twitch or react to his touch, even if he was still asleep. I remember that one time he even opened his eyes to look at Devin. He wasn’t smiling – I saw it, his lips weren’t moving at all, - but his eyes looked so bright and lively. And then he looked at me and they turned cold before he closed them.

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