➤ 11. Heatwave x Reader [SMUT] (Rescue Bots)

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Prompt: Chase and Boulder attempt to investigate the reason behind Heatwave's recent distractedness during missions. The following disappearance of Y/N causes the rescue bots to form a search party. Lucky for them she's not in trouble, but Heatwave tracks her down anyway for a little chat. 
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Slight angst, hella pining, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP, DUMMY), sorry for this terrible smut

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Third Person POV
Since the afternoon when Heatwave took a walk with Y/N into the woods, he'd found it hard to focus on missions. Even just punching the wooden training dummy in the station couldn't distract him. Why he was so hung up on that human was beyond him. He barely cared for her. He didn't even know her.

"Are you feeling okay Heatwave?" The voice of Chase seemed to draw Heatwave from his daydreaming, fist outstretched as if waiting to punch the training dummy but unable to do so with its master's thoughts elsewhere. The moody bot proceeded to retract his fist and grunt his reply. "Mhm. I'm fine."

Chase and Boulder watched on as Heatwave trudged out of the main room of the bunker, sharing a concerned look over their leader's frustrated disposition. He hadn't been the same since he came back with Y/N in tow, the both of them sharing a silent goodbye as she quickly departed.

"Should we try and find Y/N? Perhaps ask about what happened in the woods to cause Heatwave's distractedness?" Boulder mumbled to Chase, wringing his metal hands nervously. He'd never seen Heatwave like this; none of the bots had. The law enforcement officer thought it over as he stared after Heatwave's disappearing back-struts.

He wasn't one to meddle in others personal business. It wasn't exactly against the law, but rather iffy by a moral standpoint. However, with Heatwave's distraction causing trouble during missions, perhaps it was the best course of action to solve this. "I believe that would be the best course of action. We should leave immediately to intercept Y/N before she leaves for work."

Oddly enough, Chase had managed to log Y/N's work schedule to heighten the odds of Heatwave encountering her organically. So far, Heatwave had been avoiding all the places she frequented, likely to avoid interactions. Chase found this all the more intriguing. Whatever could've happened in the woods to cause such a reaction from the two?

With no rescue alerts coming in, Chase and Boulder were excused by the Chief to go on their little investigation. The only downside was the need for drivers as to not look suspicious. Cody and Frankie were on hand, both of whom rode in Chase's backseat with Chief taking the driver's seat.

"I don't understand why you two feel the need to check in on Y/N. Last we heard she's on the mend." Chief raised his concerns with Chase, only for his son Graham to add his ten cents over the com-link from inside Boulder. "Haven't you seen the way Heatwave's been acting? He's been off since Y/N visited us and took him out for a walk in the woods."

Chief couldn't argue with that. His son was right, Heatwave had been acting off. With a soft sigh, he let the issue go. "Alright. We'll check in on her. But we aren't making this a regular thing."

The quick drive to Y/N's house was a nice break for the two rescue bots and their companions. It wasn't often they got an extended break during the day like this. Nor to go out for a leisurely drive. But as Chase pulled up beside the curb of Y/N's house, there was no sign of her.

Her car was parked in the driveway but the house was dormant. Chief and the kids circled the house once to check for any interior activity but it was empty.

"Maybe she walked to work?" Graham offered, attempting to make light of the situation. "No, her bag is still here!" Cody points out Y/N's work bag which sits just inside the front door, visible from one of the windows.

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