Part 1

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    Close your eyes. Close your eyes and imagine living in a rundown, poor, overpopulated world. So rundown that a fog like smoke clouds the once beautiful blue skies. A smoke that reeks of strong, suffocating chemicals and waste that can sting the surface of your skin and slowly kill a man from the inside over a matter of years if his system refuses to adapt. Every house you pass is small, broken and rotten without locks or windows to keep the dangers at bay.
A world so poor that the vicious screams and cries of hungry, cold children echo through the empty, motionless streets of a lonely community. So poor that almost everyone went into a restless sleep at the end of the day without a crumb of food in their begging and pleading stomachs. A world that could only support ten thousand people in each state of which used to be known as the United States. That's only five hundred thousand people in the world. What happened to the rest? They were killed. Billions of people died when the US dropped atomic bombs in every country, destroying everything and everyone. Now there are only the 50 communities.
Now imagine this world being ran by only one government. A government this is harsh, careless and only knows blood and the destruction of families. On a randomly selected day of every year, a piercing call of a siren echoes throughout the country. A siren that makes a heart skip more than just a few beats. A siren that strikes nothing but fear into even the bravest soul, sending them running and begging for their lives. A siren that announces the beginning of the week-long Massacre. Are you ready?

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