Night Out

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I literally wrote this at 3 a.m. 😲


mood: Our Dawn Is Hotter Than Day


It was already late. Even though the streets were lightened by streetlamps you and your friends were not wasting one thought on the dangers of being out at night in the big city. Your minds were still busy replaying the happenings of the night in your heads while discussing every detail of the show you had just witnessed. You don't even recall who it had been that had recommended the lightshow to you but whoever it had been you were all really thankful you had followed the advice. "I liked the rainbow thing the most. It was so spectacular!", Sunny shouted excitedly. "Yeah! You're right..", your other friend Hazel agreed. "But the fountain was great too.. especially because that security guy was so hilarious trying to keep those people from jumping inside that water!", she giggled cheerfully. You were just smiling and nodding in agreement every once in a while. You were lost in thought. It was a wonderful evening. Even though it was late it was still nicely warm outside. The buzzing of the city for once didn't make you feel stressed out but seemed rather relaxing. You took a big breath of the warm night air and sighed. What a great night. Hazel who was standing opposite of you was trying to imitate the face of a little boy that had asked you to take a picture with him. You had to laugh at her silly expression.

Suddenly something caught your eye.
Looking past your friend making faces you noticed a group of about three guys that were standing a few metres away. They were apparently also waiting for the bus like you. One of the guys captured your attention. He seemed so out of place. You noticed immediately that he had to be a foreigner. The shape of his face and eyes was very peculiar. The most outstanding and eye-catching thing, however, was his brightly bleached hair. It was reflecting the orange light of the streetlamp. In this very moment the guy that had been engrossed in a conversation with his friends shook his head and was suddenly looking in your direction. To be precise he was looking directly at you. Your eyes locked. Your heart stopped.

You quickly blinked and shifted your weight on your other foot making your friends face shift inbetween you and the man you had been unconsciously staring at.

You laughed at what your friend Hazel just said even though you had no clue what she was talking about. A slight shiver was running down your spine. Pretending to be looking at Hazel that was standing in front of you you continued sneaking glances past her at the mysterious guy. You tried to convince yourself that he hadn't noticed you checking him out. As you continued chatting with your friends you kept looking at him. It seemed to you that he also kept glancing over at you every once in a while but you were not sure.

At last a bus arrived. You and your friends got on. Out of the corner of your eyes you saw him get on at one of the doors in the front.
While your friends and you sat down on some seats he stayed in the open space in the middle part of the bus holding on to one of the handholds.
Your friends had taken a seat one row in front of you. They had gone quiet, probably because they were tired as it had been a long day so you just sat there staring straight ahead (which meant directly at the guy that was unfortunately standing in your field of view).
You kept looking at him pretending to be staring into nothing. You watched as he pulled out his phone to answer a call. You saw him laugh and started questioning yourself. Who might be calling that could make him smile like that? A girlfriend maybe? You couldn't stop your brain from getting lost in imaginations. How would it be being the one calling him? You would love to be the one making him smile so radiantly.
Finally he ended the call. He was looking in your direction again. Suddenly he started walking straight towards you. Your heart made a nervous little jump. You tried not to stare at him while he was heading straight into your direction. He was only a few metres away. You stopped breathing. Then he was at the row of seats you were sitting in and.. walked straight past it. He walked past your seat and sat down in the seat exactly behind you.
Your mind went blank for a second. Then your brain started showering you with questions again: WHAT? Why is he sitting right behind you? Did he really notice you too? Had he actually also been looking at you and you hadn't just felt like he had? The bus was nearly empty by now. He could have chosen any seat but he had sat down right behind you. You started feeling hot. Was he looking at your back at this very moment? Did your hair look bad from the back?
You nervously tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. You really wanted to just turn around but you couldn't.
He had been sitting behind you for a good five minutes now. Nothing had happened. There were only a few stops left until the place where you had to get off. You felt watched. You nervously shifted in your seat. Should you just turn around and.. say something?

No. Maybe you had overreacted. Maybe he really hadn't been looking at you. And he probably just sat at that seat because.. well because he just felt like it! Don't be so full of yourself, Y/n! you scolded yourself in your head. The world doesn't revolve around you!
At this very moment you heard a quiet little noise. It took you a moment to realise that the quiet coughing noise was the man behind you clearing his throat trying to get your attention. Still a little unsure you slowly turned around in your seat mentally already prepared for the worst.
Up close he looked even more stunning. His face was wide with very expressive features and prominent cheekbones. His face looked so foreign that you couldn't stop examining it.
"Hei..", he said. Ripping you out of your staring. "Oh.. uh... hei", you stammered feeling your cheeks get hot from the blush spreading on them as he had caught you staring again. "What's your name?", he asked with a strong accent. "Y/n", you answered. "W.. what about you?", you stammered. Still kind of shocked by the fact that he was actually talking to you. "Lee.. Jihoon.", he answered. The most adorable sheepish smile spreading on his cheeks.

You had been so captured by his appearance you hadn't noticed that you had to get out. Your friends got up already getting ready to leave the bus. You noticed. Your heart sank. There was this gorgeous man that actually had the courage and seemed to find you interesting enough to walk up to you and talk to you and any second you had to get out and would probably never see him again. He seemed to notice your distress. Suddenly he reached for his pocket. He pulled out his phone. When he held it out he asked. "Would you give me your number?" Blushing even harder you took the device out of his hand. "Sure", was all you could respond concentrating on getting your phone number right despite your trembling fingers. You typed it in and handed the phone back to its owner.
"Hurry up.", Hazel shouted. They were already at the door, keeping it from shutting. "Nice meeting you.. bye?", you muttered and quickly jumped up and off the bus. While the doors were closing you caught a last glimpse at the man named Lee Jihoon before the bus sped off into the night. "What was that?", Sunny questioned you right away. There was a wolfish undertone in her voice and she had lifted one of her eyebrows. "You hitting on people again?"
"...I have absolutely no idea!", you managed to answer.

Your heart was still racing.

That was really something.

this might sound very cheesy but that actually happened to me (not with jihoon oc)

do you believe in love at first sight?

Also in case you are asking yourself why I am not sleeping at 3 a.m.....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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