Thank You

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Couldn't update yesterday because I was on a trip, sorry.


Later that night the three snuck into Umbridge's office and went over to her fireplace, Danny threw the floo powder in and look at Ron and Hermione. "You two need to tell the Order if you can."

Ron spoke, "Are you mental, we're going with you."

"So you can get hurt or killed?"

Hermione knelt next to him, "When are you going to get it in your head, we're in this together."

Danny wanted to respond but Umbridge's voice from the doorway cut him off, "That you are."

Over the next few minutes several members of Dumbledore's army were brought into the office. Danny had been tied to a chair and once Neville was brought in Umbridge leaned closer to him, "You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?"

"Fuck off."

Umbridge slapped him, he had honestly met children that could hit better then her, Snape then spoke from the door. "You sent for me headmistress?"

Umbridge looked at Snape, "Snape, yes, the time has come for answers whether they want to give them to me or not, have you brought the veritas serum?"

"I am afraid you've used up the last of my stores interrogating students, the last of it on miss Chang." Well that explained why Cho told Umbridge about them, he glanced at Ron and Hermione before turning his attention to Snape and Umbridge again. "Unless you wish to poison him, and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I can not help you."

Umbridge looked slightly upset and Snape was about to leave when Danny spoke, "He's going after it." Snape paused and looked at him, "He's going after it where it's hidden."

Umbridge looked confused, "It, what is it, where what is hidden, what is he talking about Snape?"

Snape raised an eyebrow and looked at Umbridge, "No idea."

Umbridge was quiet for a second as Snape left, "Very well, you give me no choice Phantom. As this is an issue of Ministry security you leave me with no alternative, the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

Hermione spoke, "That's illegal."

Umbridge put the picture of Fudge she had on her desk face down, "What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him."

Danny smirked, "Take your best shot, I can guarantee I've been through worse."

Umbridge walked closer to him with her wand pointed at him, she opened her mouth to say the spell before Hermione cut her off, "Tell her Danny!"

Umbridge looked at her, "Tell me what?"

Hermione looked at Danny, "Well if you won't tell her where it is I will."

Umbridge spoke, "Where what is?"

Hermione took a deep breath, "Dumbledore's secret weapon." Umbridge's eyes widened, soon enough they were leading Umbridge through the forest and Danny was not happy.

Umbridge spoke, "How much further."

Hermione answered, "Not far, it had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally."

Danny whispered to Hermione, "What are you doing?"


Danny bit back a growl, he didn't like this, when they finally got there Hermione looked at the rope tied to a tree, it had been broken. Danny and Hermione looked at each other, Umbridge spoke, "Well where is this weapon?" They were silent, "There isn't one is there, you were trying to trick me." They still stayed silent, "You know, I really hate children."

The Boy Who Hated LivingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora