Someone Like You pt. 4 - Crutchie X Reader

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I'm sorry you guys. I never meant for this to be so long and be so boring... I'm really really long winded sometimes and honestly I could have probably made this one storyline into an entire book by itself. There's so much left unsaid for the sake of brevity and ugggghhhhhhhh I feel like I'm a failure as an author.



It wasn't a long way from the Lodge to the hospital, and thankfully, you were able to find your way to an area you were familiar with fairly quickly after leaving the Lodge (you hadn't thought that one through very well when you ran off oops). Your destination was only a short walk away from the Lodge. Since the sun was now firmly in the sky, the streets were bustling with people on their way to work.

You spotted some of your new friends on your way, waving as they yelled out some pretty phenomenal headlines.

"EXTRA, EXTRA! Rabid child mauls local woman! YOU HEARD IT RIGHT HERE!" Finch yelled, making some sales with the extraordinary headline.

"Dentist fired for putting teeth back into patients' mouths!" Specs called into the crowd, tricking a group of well-dressed men into taking a few papes off his hands.

"Oh, hi Whistles." Elmer said, waving at you, a lugging a full stack of papes around. You felt your face heat up at the nickname. You'd have to tell the boys to just call you by your actual name; you couldn't handle your heart fluttering every time someone tried to get your attention. Wait, what?

"READ ALL ABOUT IT! Crazy doctor claims tobacco is bad for ya health!" Race screeched in a voice that was abnormally high for a boy, waving his cigar around like a crazy person.

"ALL DOGS OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED TO BE GOOD BOIS." JoJo bellowed, earning many confused stares from the passers by.

You shook your head and smiled, continuing on your way. You wove your way through the ever thickening crowd of people, eager to carry out your plan.

Your excitement grew as you caught sight of the hospital building.

Sadly your jumbled thoughts did not help your gracefulness one bit, and you ended up tripping over your own feet, crashing into the crowd in front of you and causing some people to drop the items in their hands.

You were then on the receiving end of a couple curses and many glares.

You apologized profusely, smiling sheepishly before taking off once again. You genuinely did feel bad, but nothing could bring your mood down today. Not even grumpy old men on their way to work.

You carefully jogged the rest of the short distance to the hospital, keeping your mind focused on the task at hand rather than what went on inside that building. Eww...

Instead of heading through the entrance doors, you took a turn into the alley next to the building, heading towards the garbage bins.

You reminded yourself to be especially careful to not impale yourself with a discarded needle or something if the like; going back the the Lodge with a giant hole straight through your hand was not an ideal situation, especially since you were just starting to heal up from your last escapade.

With as much agility as you could muster, you picked your way across the alley and through the piles of discarded items, in search of a very specific item.

You knew the nurses occasionally threw crutches away when they broke or became too worn to be comfortable for the patients. You'd seen them do it yourself. The question was, would you be able to find a crutch in decent enough shape?

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