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My friendship with you was something I treasured more than anything else but I grew afraid...

I don't know how, I don't know when but I think I fell in love with you...

I worried day and night about whether to tell you the truth or not but I didn't want to risk it.

If it meant not telling you my feelings just to keep you by my side, then so be it.

But as more time past, I fell for you even more and then it started to hurt...

I loved you so much and you not knowing added to the pain.

So I did the next best thing and I regret it so much.

I tried to avoid you.

I'm sorry.

But you knowing me like the back of your hand you figured something was wrong.

You tried so many times just to talk to me again that it took some of your friends to help that we were alone.

And from that conversation came a lot of tears.

Both from sadness,

And from happiness.

It was from that conversation that we both realized our feelings for each other and how important we both were to each other.

Thank you.

From then on a relationship I could only ever imagine had blossomed and it was the best day ever...

Love Letter // ATEEZ YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now