Chapter 22 - Dracos Pov

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It was quite depressing apparating back to the manor after such an amazing day and night, but it had to be done. If i could relive last night over and over again i certainly would, but a shower is definitely needed... For the both of us.

After the shower we both get dressed, i dont know what we're doing today but im thinking we could catch up with Blaise, thats if Mione wants to.

"Draco, im thinking of going to see Ginny and Harry, wanna come?" She asks, hmm, Ginny i could probably handle, but Potter? Well, i guess i'll have to get used to him eventually.

"Well i was gonna see Blaise, we can all go to for a butterbeer if you want?"

"That could work, you owl Blaise, i'll owl Ginny" she says with a smile.

After receiving confirmations that they'll be there, we apparate to the three broomsticks and take a seat in the booth at the back, away from everyone, appearing hidden away from prying eyes...

I pull Mione close and start kissing behind her ear, she's looking around but slowly giving in to my touch as her eyes close and her breathing becomes heavier. I'm enjoying the feeling too much when a cough breaks us apart.

"Perfect timing I have here, wouldn't you say Draco? By all means, do carry on, by the looks of things you sure wanted the privacy" His smirk couldn't look anymore cunning as he takes a seat across from us.

"Blaise, really? Taunt me all you like, but atleast I got what you don't have" I send him my own smirk, whilst Hermione elbows me in the ribs.

"Be nice Draco, we were expecting him at the end of the day, plus Ginny and Harry will be here soon anyways, so that shouldn't have happened... How are you Blaise? Everything well I hope?"

"Well, yeah things are good, trying out for the Harpies this year, that way once I get in there" he gives me a menacing look " girls will be all over me"

I scoff "that's IF you get in, don't get too big of an ego now ey? Plus, what sane girl would want to come near you?" I taunt, shooting him another smirk, earning a glare from my girl.

They both go to reply but is soon cut short when a squeal catches our attention. There, stands the weaslette with the god almighty chosen one. She looks like she's about ready to burst at seeing Hermione,  even though it probably wasn't that long ago that they seen each other. As Hermione gets up to greet them both, I can't help but admire how close they are, and how Ginny really has grown to be a stunning young woman.

Of course, I only have eyes for one girl, but it makes me wonder how Potter got her, I mean, she's way out of his league. In the corner of my eyes I see Blaise, eyeing her up, a strange look in his eye as Ginny comes closer.

"Zabini, behave yourself, she has a boyfriend" I warn him. Before he can reply, Ginny sits herself down and Harry places himself next to her. She instantly cuddles into him, just like Hermione does to me, and I feel almost at peace, even with Potter here.

Its strange how normal things can become once you fall for someone. Their friends, their family, everything, it just seems normal to be sitting here with Potter and his girlfriend, even Blaise is sitting here with them. Just chatting about life and having no worries of the past, what had happened before, nothing. Just peace. I'm lost on my own world when I hear Mione calling my name.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying? My mind was elsewhere"

"I was just telling Harry and Ginny about the carnival, how it'd been the first time you'd been there and all the stuff you'd ever done for the first time" The glint in her eyes shows me she's thinking of something else, but I dont bring it up in front of her friends. "It was amazing right Draco? You, in the muggle world, who'd have thought?"

"Can't agree more with you there to be honest Hermione, it was a first for a lot of stuff, specially the rides and the food. My god, Blaise, you NEED to try the food. I dont know why Dumbledoor didnt serve us that from time to time, I would've behaved so much more if he had, I swear"

"Can't have been that good Draco, otherwise he would've, you know what he was like, always trying to get us involved in muggle stuff. You know him. But yeah, maybe I will try it, one day. You never know"

I nod in agreement, knowing its probably never something he would do, like myself, unless he was forced to do it. Not that I felt forced, it's just I would never do it willingly on my own. Mione gets chatting back to Ginny about other life things, catching up on how Ginny's mother is doing, and although nobody seems to catch it, I notice the glint die a little in Mione's eyes. I know she loves Mrs Weasley as her own mother, but we both know it never compares to the love of your own.

I need to change that. Somehow. There's got to be some way of bringing that back for her. I'd literally do anything.

After chatting the hours away, its time to go our seperate ways. It was nice to sit there and talk, Potter is nothing like I assumed him to be all these years, and I'm glad him and Blaise got on long enough for us to cope with the day. The girls hug it out while us guys nod at each other. Its not much but its progress to what it used to be.

Once everyone else have apparated back home, its time for us to do it ourselves. I turn to Hermione, pull her for a hug and kiss her temple. She sighs in content and hugs me tighter.

"Thank you for doing this Draco, you have no idea what this means to me, just to even be in the same room as each other shows how much you have truly changed. For the better. Unlike someone I know"

"Hey, dont think about that, for his sake, I hope he changes too. Otherwise I doubt his mother will ever let him out" we both laugh, knowing exactly how Mrs Weasley can get when one of her boys are misbehaving. Even how she can get when its Ginny. That I truly respect, she never let's her family do wrong, she has brought them up the correct way.

"let's go home, Hermione. Sitting in one place the whole day chatting away has really tired me out and I'm starving. Fancy cooking tonight for a change?" I laugh, knowing I rarely cook. Mione hits me on the shoulder and smiles.

"You're an idiot. But you're my idiot. Let's go home. I really like that you know? Home. It certainly feels like home with you there"

My smile can't get any brighter as I kiss her, I kiss her to show all my emotions that cannot be said. And she kisses me back with as much emotion. The kiss keeps going as I apparate away with Mione in my arms. I really like the word home too. And I hope I can show her as much as I can tell her.

I have the best plan in my head, if i can get everything together. I really hope this works.

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