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It's February now...

I walked out of my room dressed in a very AESTHETIC CUTE OUTFIT I WORKED HARD TO PUT TOGETHER...and it was the only thing that I looked good in right now .

I took a deep breathe and got the guys attention .

" ah do you guys smell that ? " I put my hand on my hip and had a smile .

" yeah namjoon just blew up the toilet that shit stank-" Hoseok said while looking back at his phone .

that ain't it

" NO ! " I shouted dramatically , Seokjin flinched at the sudden shout .

" hey you almost gave grandpa a heart attack sheesh be careful " jungkook teaser seokjin making him pull jungkook's hair .

seokjin and jungkook were deadass pulling each other's hair out...

" fucken kids " taehyung sighed and pulled out a.....a fucken juul ?

we lost him fellas

Staring at taehyung in shock namjoon then snapped me back to reality.

" okay but besides Hoe-suck over here putting my shit on blast what was it you were saying again ?" Namjoon asked and glared at hoseok.

" BUT ITS TRUE IT WAS FUCKEN STINKY NAMJO- " namjoon cut off hoseok by kicking him off the couch .

" you dumb hoe " hoseok growled .

" okay continue I'm listening " jimin sighed and looked at me but started coughing once smoke filled the room .

" hold on Jin I think there's a fire " jungkook uttered to seokjin while they were still pulling each other's hair .

" who was cooking ? " seokjin asked and slowly let go of jungkooks hair .

" my bad fellas I was just smoking my JUUL " taehyung smirked making me let out the most disappointed sounding sigh ever .

I was suppose to say it smells like love in the air but it smells like SMOKE .

" wait what were y'all saying ? " yoongi took out his AirPods and looked at us .

" what the actual fuck " jungkook and I said in unison.

We looked at each other and started laughing doing a little fist bump but looked back at the guys .

" sorry I had to flex on y'all " yoongi smirked and put his AirPods back in his ears .

" I'm just gonna open the windows because I can't fucken breathe " hoseok got up from the floor and went to open the windows .

" don't " taehyung blurted .

" die peasants " he added .

" y'all are a different species I swear " namjoon said while shaking his head .

Most of the smoke was out now and we were all on our phones in the living room..well namjoon and yoongi were on their laptops working on some tracks meanwhile hoseok was recording little voice notes probably for a rap or something.

It was very quiet all you could hear was clicking on the keyboards and breathing .

It's never been this quiet.

" Valentine's Day is coming up " I started .

" y'all got any boos ? " I asked while looking around the room .

" I sure do " hoseok chirped .

" her name is minseo she's very sweet and I don't know if you guys remember her but it's the girl I ran into at that burger place and spilled my soda on her that one day " hoseok smiled while telling the story .

" sounds very cliché I know but later on we ran into each other at the mall and well we ended up talking from there " he said with a blush on his cheeks .

" hoseok is in love now sorry yoongi " jimin joked and patted yoongi's back making him grunt .

" shut up " yoongi replied .

" please invite me to your wedding " jungkook begged and got on his knees .

" me too !! " I got on my knees by jungkook and begged hoseok .

Hoseok stared us thinking about all the bad things that could happen if he invites us to his wedding...it sent chills down his spine .

" no thank you " hoseok smiled politely.

" what about the rest of you ? " I asked them .

" I'm not even gonna front here guys I started talking to this girl and I really like her and I don't know what to do so...y/n help " namjoon started speaking super fast while fiddling with his fingers .

" show me a picture of her and you too hoseok I want to see them " I demand.

Hoseok showed me Minseo this girl was BOMB AS FUCK she was Korean and had pretty brown hair and brown eyes and pink plump lips like jimin....she was prETTY AS HELL  .

" I'd smash " I blurted .

" she's mine " hoseok furrowed his brows .

Namjoon showed me his girl and man she WAS A WHOLE SNACK .

Her name is Kea she was a foreigner she had pretty black curls and nice glowing brown skin and cute dimples just like namjoon and man SHE LOOKED LIKE A MODEL .

" I'd also smash and namjoon you better cuff her up before I do " I said making namjoon roll his eyes .

" just like hoseok said she's mine " namjoon flicked my forehead .

" they looks like models " seokjin complimented .

" can we meet them soon ?" I ask hoping it would be soon since I do need more girl friends .

Namjoon was about to answer but yoongi cut him off .

" I think I also like someone..." yoongi blurted shutting his laptop .


A/n : hello bad PUTAS So like Valentine's Day is coming up and I wanna know if y'all would like be my valentines ? DONT REJECT ME MF I LOVE YOU !!

anyway what do y'all think about this ?

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