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grab ya tissues bbs because shits gonna get wet

And sad and cute but like these next updates gon hit that


Jungkook started to work more with his music career so he's hardly at the apartment with me anymore but when he's gone I usually go back with the guys.

He's also been talking about a girl her name is cece.

I've actually met her a few times she's really sweet and kind not gonna lie I wish I could squish her with hugs she's adorable.

" heya! " jungkook walked inside the apartment with cece behind him.

"Yo," I greeted them looking up from my laptop.

" what were you doing? " cece asks rushing and sitting down by me.

" Oh I was working on some clothes I kind of want to make my own brand and model for it or maybe have the guys model for me " I shrug and she gasped in awe.

" WAHH THAT'S SO COOL " she squealed and I heard jungkook scoff.

" sheesh seems like your taking my girlfriend away y/n " jungkook chuckled and I gasped.

" YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY DATING?! " I shout scaring the poor girl next to me.

" yes? " he looked at me weirdly and I looked at cece and started squealing.

" finally my ship has sailed " I nearly fainted from being so excited.

" but I'm glad you guys are dating that means I can finally have a girl friend !! " I said happily and cece gave me a big hug.

" Alright enough chit chat me and my babe have a reservation at my favorite restaurant " Jungkook put on a sweater and patted ceces back.

She stood up and smiled at me.

" well guess it's time " she pitted but gave me another hug.

" don't worry you'll see her again but damn you aren't that sad when I leave what type of fuckery is this " jungkook teases and cece playfully pushed him.

I smiled at the two lovers.

" anyways I'll be back later you want me to bring you something when we leav-" I cut him off.

" Nah don't worry about me you guys go have some fun just be safe " I stood up and walked them to the door.

" A-are you sure? " cece asked and I nodded shoving the two of them out of the door.

After I finally shut the door I locked it and collapsed on the couch.

" so lonely " I sighed and glanced at my laptop screen beside me.

An email from my favorite cafe popped up

Purchase one tea and get two cake pops free!

" Oh fuck yeah! " I rolled off of the couch and put on my bunny slippers by the door.

Shit I don't even care how I look right now I'm tryna get those cake pops

But I kind of care eh fuck it

" let's get these diabetes " I mumbled to myself making myself laugh.

Ugh that was weird

I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.

Maybe five minutes later I finally arrived at the cafe.

I walked inside the cafe and paused to take in the smell of fresh cake pops and coffee and tea.

I felt myself get pushed lightly.

" A-ah my...I'm sorry my bad " I turned around and made eye contact with a guy around my age with black hair and Pretty brown eyes.

Are they twinkling?

I snapped myself out of my thoughts as I noticed the bunny slippers he was wearing.

I pointed down at his slippers.

" hey we have the same bun bun slippers " I smiled widely and looked back at him.

He was staring at me and I looked back at him.

He gulped snapping back to reality.

" oh yeah my sister got these for me as a gift for Christmas " he smiled lightly as he looked at the slippers.

" My brother got me these well he's not my brother he's like my brother his name is hoseok..wait sorry I'm not sure why I'm telling you this-" I stopped blabbering once I heard him giggling.

" it's fine don't worry " he replied glancing at me with a sly smirk.


" NOOOO!! " the stranger and I whined simultaneously.

We looked at each other with shocked faces.

" I just wanted a cake pop " he pouted and acted like he was fake crying.

I laughed at the ugly face he was making.

But it was weird...he attempted to make an ugly face but he didn't look ugly at all.

" hey you're staring was I looking that ugly or something? " he asks teasing.

Why is my heart beating like this?!

( oh bitch u in luv - succinsuga)

" no no sorry uhm do you wanna like go uh out to eat with me? " I ask him and his eyes widen.

" wait really? Me ? " he asks and I nodded.

" WELL FUCK YEAH LETS GO " he chirped and grabbed my arm pulling me outside the cafe with him.

" I'll show you my favorite spot to eat and it's cheap too so we could save money " I spoke as I then started to pull him making him follow me.

" Woah this is so exciting!! " he shouted and I chuckled at how cute he was.

" what's your name by the way? " I ask him as we stopped in front of the small restaurant I wanted to show him.

" it's Ren short for Lorenzo " he replied catching his breath and pushing his hair out of his face.

" what about you? ".

" y/n now let's go grub stranger " I pulled him inside.

" wow I like you already " Ren mumbled under his breathe.


Long update hehe my bad



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