
14 1 3

A/N: HEYO WALLABOO. i dont know what that was im sorry. Anyways, so here is the 3rd chapter of ze story Rune. The chapter names have nothing to do with the chapter actually, so. That's that. Anyways, i hope you enjoy!



{Chapter: 3 }


"Hurry up you idiot. I've been walking for minutes.". Once again Carla, the annoying prick, complains. "Woman, shut up. We're almost there.". She looked back at me. "We have to hurry up, okay? There is literally a women being ganged up on.". I decided to listen to her and walk faster. "Carla! Over there, Esper street!". I pointed to a sign that pointed east, towards an open alleyway. Quickly we rushed in to find the culprits and the victim. A young girl, who seemed to be around my age, 17, was being ambushed by two guys. Carla hid behind a near by wall and itched closer to the alleyway. I hid on the opposite wall and followed her. When we appeared to be close enough, Carla pounced out from behind the wall and stood infront of the two men. One of the men looked at her for a while and then grinned. He walked towards her as if he could take her on. She slipped out a small wooden rod from her pocket and held it out infront of her. The man stopped and laughed, along with his companion. Carla smirked, as the man had done only seconds ago. She quickly used the tip of the rod, which I should mention is not pointed or carved, and struck the man on the muscle area behind the collar bone. The culprit fell to his knees, paralyzed. "That was far too easy." She pouted, and ran for the second man. She slipped under his open legs and quickly jumped up knocking him to the floor from behind. She sat on his back and held his hands together. The women had already ran away minutes ago.

"Wow, excuse you, you did'nt even give me a chance.". I walked up behind her and stared as she cuffed his wrists together. She pulled him up and sighed, looking over at me with a highly annpyed face. "Just get the other guy will you?". I put my hands up in defeat and dropped them to my sides, walking over to the other paralyzed man. I cuffed him and stood him up. I heard the man chuckle. "You know, you're too late already?". I stopped what I was doing and leaned to the side to look at him. "What?". He shook his head as he chuckled and refused to speak afterwards. I frowned suspiciously and lifted up my arm to face my wrist-watch. "DNA analysis, needle." I spoke commands to the wrist watch and watched as a needle pricked out from the side. I poked the needle into the arm of the man without warning, which caused him to flinch. The watch made a series of clicking sounds before I looked at it to see the results.

"Analysis complete. DNA identified. Name is Burfen Wallis. Son of Carla Wallis and Patrick Wallis. Gender is Male."

The watch spoke back in a monotone voice. Lots of people often ask how the watch knows DNA. During missions, Carla and I collect blood samples from as many victims or suspects as possible. Even normal people. The watch then collects as much information as possible from the blood and IDA files. When we use DNA identification, it attempts to find familiar connections between the one being identified and past collections.

I sighed and saved his identification to my files. "Done yet?". Carla walked up beside me with the other culprit. I nodded unsurely. "Yeah, i'm-i'm fine. Let's get these guys locked up.". Carla breathed in deeply and watched as I walked ahead. "Alright then." She mumbled.

After locking the guys up at Carla's base, we attempted to find the victim, but with no luck. She had ran away during the fight between Carla and the culprits. However, we had found small samples of her blood at the scene and used our watched to identify her. We had guessed she probably had pricked herself in fear and not noticed.

"Analysis complete. DNA is identified. Name is Destin Burkley. Daughter of ??? And ???. Gender is Female.".

I nodded. "Okay then, so we've got two suspicious criminals and one suspicious victim.". Carla frowned and looked over at me. "Who says she's supicious? Maybe we have'nt collected blood samples from anyone related to her yet.". I scoffed. "Really? Carla we've been in this buisness for two years, think of all the samples.". She shrugged. "Well, we've gotta get going.". Carla stood up and began to walk away. I sighed and sat up, following her.


FINALLY DONE. *phew* i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. We've already got mystery popping into the story.

r u happy nao nana-chan?

ANYHOW. This chapter is dedicated to a friend who would'nt stop bothering me about a new chapter: feelingspiffy or better known to me as Nana-chan.

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