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"Mace? Mace wake up, we have to go do some errands. Mace!"
Somewhere above me I could hear the Su-per annoying Carla and, seconds later, I could feel her shaking me. After coming back from the mission Carla and I had decided to go sleep at her house, since grandma had her own land-lord thing going on back at my temporary home. Carla, living alone, only had one bed, and being the feminist and highly pervert-aware woman she is, she sent me to sleep on the couch with an angry warning, "If I wake up and find you in my bed I'll kick you in your balls so hard your father's father will feel it, you got it Mace?". Of course I kept in my own sleeping area.

Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Alright, mom, I got it.". Upon opening my eyes, I saw Carla was already dressed and far behind her, saw her dog, Nova. The big white furball was belly-side up chewing on an over-sized, blue, plastic bone. I stood up and stretched, not caring that my shirt pulled up a little to reveal the so-called 'happy-trail'. Carla and I had known eachother to long to care about small things like that. Carla crossed her arms and made a very un-impressed face, simultaeously sighing. "Come on, we have to go get the new equipment a-jack called us in for.". A-jack is the dude back at the radio-transmition station, he supplies us with new walkie-talkies and weapons and such. A while ago an armory was taken down by a rogue gang from town and everyone within the area nearby got some weapons, things were traded and of course, a-jack got alot of the specials. The station was pretty far away, maybe an hour or two.

I walked over to the incredibly cleaned bathroom of Carla's and quickly washed up. Carla said that the 'blood orange' towel was mine. I looked around and upon finding it, grabbed it, wrapping it around my lower body. I peeked outside the door to see if Carla was around, we were pretty close, but not close enough for her to see me half-naked. I spotted a little of Carla's back in the kitchen, probably making coffee, and figured I had enought time to run to the closet, where she had bundles of clothing I had either forgotten or left here. Supposedly already washed. Quickly enough, I ran to the closet and opened the door with lighting speed, grabbing a random pair of pants and a shirt. I took a peek over my shoulder to see if Carla was coming around anytime soon and spotted her washing her hands, just about to come out the kitchen. Quickly, I ran back to the bathroom and shut the door. Sure I could have just told her to not turn around or ask her to get me a pair of clothes, but she'd knock me off and claim that we've known eachother since we were children and that such secrecy was un-necessary. I dressed in a hurry and walked out the bathroom, Carla was sat on the couch drinking a cup of coffee, she nodded towards the cup that was on the table and assuming it was mine, I sat down beside her and drank it.

Moments later we left for the station and boarded the military green gypsy. Since I slept for a great majority of the car ride, I was awake by the time we arrived. The station was a big circular building, maybe 300 feet across and 300 feet up. It was made mostly of cement, but several types of stones were scattered about in a certain design. Windows were placed up and down the building, allowing us a view inside the station. Atop the circular t building was a fairly big satelite, for obvious reasons. Carla and I got out of the car and began walking towards the door placed on the far left of the building. "Alright, a-jack says he's got a few more guns for us and some news on the IDA.". I nodded and followed Carla, who was clearly walking slightly faster than me.

Upon entering the huge building, a-jack greated us and led us to his messy cubicle. He moved some food to the side and sat down on his comfy chair. "Alright guys, i've got your guns right here.". He bent over under the desk where his computer sat and pulled out a big messenger bag. He unclipped the flap and opened it, pulling out two very well formed guns. "This here," he held up the gun in his right hand "is the Ruger Single Six, this is a mighty slim model and let me be honest, does not look all that strong but let me tell you, it can bust a bullet faster than you could say holy mama. Now this," he held up the one on his left "is the Ruger Blackhawk with a chambered .357 magnum. This baby is sleek and will rip through just about anything with the right bullets.". A-jack looked at us with his sly genious grin and handed us the guns. "Now, I heard you two needed information on the IDA, and I got some.". He spun around and faced his computer, clicking on a program that sat on his home-screen. The program opened up and it seemed to be a tracker of sorts. It had several spots over a map with connected lines. He pointed to a spot that had "1V" written on the side. " This here is the first criminal victim to dissapear. This was about a month ago, we can assume the IDA were not the ones who took them, seeing as they've had their butts focused on druggies and what not." He then pointed to another spot that had "2V" written on the side. These two spots were connected. "Now this was the second victim, apparently, the two victims were connected. Same family lines. The first victim dissapeared on October the 18th. The second one dissapeared on Febuary the 1st, and then there was another one that dissapeared on the same date of the next year. Off."
Carla squinted and shook her head. "Off? What does that mean?"

A-jack faced us. "October, Febuary, and Febuary. Off. Now off, is the last name of the director of the IDA, you know her right? Allen Off? Of course, Off could mean anything. But since we're messing with the IDA here, this is a big hint hint."
I spoke up for the first time. "Wait, but, who's leaving us the message? Like you said, it can't be the IDA.".

A-jack shrugged. "That's the winning question. Only three victims so far, the thing is these victims were the three biggest criminals of Estuary 1. Alberto Espinoso, Cabec Brake, and James Wardery. Now what would anyone need those three for I wonder?"

Carla chewed at her lip and gave a big sigh. "Thanks for the info a-jack. We'll find out soon enough.". She waved to a-jack as we both walked out the front door of the station. Carla handed me the two guns and we both walked back to the car in silence. As soon as we got in Carla smiled and said something to lighten the mood perhaps, but to be honest, it really just made me blush mkre than i've ever had.

"I saw you in the towel you wanker."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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