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"So you're a faggot."

Stokeley sat across from one of his closest friends, possibly his only closest friend besides Jahseh. He ashed his cigarette against the ashtray and tossed the sizzling butt at the boy across from him.

"I'm not no fucking faggot, Jared," Stokeley huffed as he sat back against the suede couch losing himself in his thoughts. They had been sitting in Jared's living room for the past hour and half trying to pinpoint the reasoning to Stokeley's sudden actions.

"What are you then?" Jared laughed and dodged the butt giving Stokeley a concerned look. "Cause you sure ain't straight. Niggas just don't go around kissing on their friends like that."

"Yeah, tell that shit to Michael," Stokeley joked, but by the looks of it Jared seemed to take him serious.

"He told you?"

Stokeley paused and looked at Jared with surprised eyes. He slowly took another cigarette from the box, tapped it against his thigh, leaned back and placed it in between his lips.

"I don't believe it. Hell, butter me up and call me a biscuit. Who's the faggot now?" He teased.

Jared's face flushed as he tossed the lighter to his friend. "Look man, that's another story for another time. This ain't about me."

Stokeley caught the lighter and held it upright at the end of his cigarette. He rolled the metal spark wheel down into the black ignition and held it to keep going, lighting the cigarette to his liking.

"As long as you make the wedding Jurassic Park themed, you're good in my book."

Once he stopped, he threw his hands up and chuckled to himself. Stokeley was never one to judge about the business of his friends, especially Jared. Everyone sensed that they liked each other in the same way they thought of Jah and himself, but the only difference is that this one was true.

"Now listen," Jared leaned forward and focused his eyes on him. "What happened after you kissed him?"

Stokeley cringed at the last words that left Jared's lips.

"He stormed out. Pushed me off him and just.. left."

"Do you still see his shadows in your room?" Jared snickered and immediately stopped once he realized Stokeley wasn't even slightly amused.

Jared cleared his throat and leaned back into his seat. "Why would you even kiss him if you two were arguing? What did you intend to gain from that?"

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