20 Facts

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Basically, I got tagged and have to write 20 facts about myself. If I decide to tag anyone, you basically just have to do the same and write down 20 facts about yourself. And now I'm just repeating words so on to the assignment!

1. People constantly mess up my name. They either mispronounce my first name or mispell something. I don't know how people mispell my last name considering it's so common but it has happened. Also, my last name is the only part of my name that I'm willing to give out: Evans. Mistakes made with it: Evens, Evan. My 7th grade math teacher would call some people by their last names, including me, and she kept missing the fact that there's an 's' at the end so she called me Evan the entire time. With my first and middle name, well my first name is very uncommon but it's been used in a soap opera. Which is where my mom got the name. My middle name, people are used to seeing it spelt a certain way that's more common. 

2. Up until now I've always been considered the group pet when with friends. At this school I don't know what I'm considered. I like being the group pet, though, and I'm used to it. I have friends that like to compare me to a puppy so I think it fits and it makes me think of myself as a guard dog so YAY~!

3. I'm allergic to cats and pollen. Both of them give me nose bleeds and make it seem like I have a bad cold. Pollen especially when it comes to nose bleeds. Last spring I walked around covering my face 'cause it was everywhere and I have to walk around outside a lot when switching classes. With cats, I don't normally have that big of an issue. It's mainly just the fur so it's fine if they're outside. Problem is, strays keep showing up in the azalea bushes outside my window and we are currently keeping a kitten on the front porch. I think my cat allergy is getting worse 'cause I keep getting nose bleeds when I'm at home. None at school so far, though so that's good. 

4. My life is completely random. I have no clue what'll happen next O.o. Seriously, my house went through several hurricanes and was fine. One little tropical storm that was supposed to do very little damage and the house gets four feet of water in it. A random turkey showed up in my front yard last year, which was the first time I'd seen a wild turkey. My brother saw a dog get hit by a car that same day just before getting on the bus. Oh, and like I said before, cats keep showing up in the azaleas right outside my bedroom window. It gets even more random but my minds blank right now and I can't remember. 

5. My parents are strict and not very good at asking questions. And by the questions thing, I mean they make inferences and don't bother to check to see if they're right. As for the strict part, a perfect example would be that if I don't get straight A's in school, they take away my computer and video game privileges. Yep. If I get a B, I have to try to negotiate with my dad and temporarily convince him that it isn't that bad. Which is extremely hard. My mom's not as bad when it comes to being strict. She just yells at me crossdressing and acting like a guy. Based on those two things, she has inferred that I want to be a guy and doesn't even bother asking for my actual reason. No matter how many times I tell her that I don't want to be one. My actual reasons are simple. Crossdressing: Guy's clothing in my opinion is more comfortable, a lot less expensive, and more appropriate. I mean, if you look at girl's clothing it's more constricting, costs about twice as much, and isn't very appropriate. The fact that I act like a guy: It's just my nature. The majority of my family consists of guys. My best friends have generally been guys. It's just because of the environment made up of the people I'm normally with. 

6. I have a slight obsession with hats. Slight. I don't wear them at home and just started wearing them to school last year. Now it just ticks off my boyfriend and he tries to take them. He started that last year after about the third consecutive day that I had been wearing them. Then my friend said she was expecting me to randomly start pulling more hats from my bookbag after a while. The next day I came to school with three hats in my bookbag and ended up leaving them there. I ended up wearing them all of the time. My boyfriend kept taking them so I got in the habit of putting another one on as soon as he took one. This year I have five hats in my bookbag and I recently got a t shirt with a hood on it. The one hat he can't take~ XD

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