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Tagged by: Maxgabbymeow on dA

Have to hit shuffle on my phone and list the first ten songs that play~ YAY!

1. Alive by Shinedown

2. Not Alone by Linkin Park

3. Skin to Bone by Linkin Park

4. Tameiki Botan by Ai Mikaze

5. 15 Minutes by Egypt Central

6. Becoming Insane (Full) by Infected Mushroom

7. In Pieces by Linkin Park

8. Ghost Town by Egypt Central

9. All About Us by t.A.T.u

10. Kokou no Sousei by Yousei Teikoku

Aw no Rise Against songs. Not much of a shocker though. I have about 5 of'em and 105 songs on my phone. 

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