LGBT Meme (If you don't like it, don't read it)

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I kinda died for the day so while my fried brain is recovering.....

1. How long have you known you are part of the LGBT community?

For as long as I can remember. Just didn't know the terms in my case until a little while ago. 

2. Was it a struggle (emotionally) for you at the beginning?

Not exactly. I kind of except things as they come. Constantly being asked "Are you gay?" and stuff along those lines is really frickin' aggravating, though. 

3. How did you start to discover your sexuality? (Example, thoughts, feelings…ex)

I've kind of always known so I'm not sure how to answer this. 

4. What part of the LGBT community do you belong to? (Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, ex)

Biromantic Asexual
Answered this in a previous journal. (<--deviantART)
And I guess genderfluent if that adds to anything. Don't really care if you consider me a boy or a girl. 

5. How long have you been out of the closet, or if your not, do you plan to be at some point?

Well I'm out of the closet to my friends and pretty much anyone who reads this or two of my previous journals. Other than that, I'm not, nor do I care if people know anyways. 

6. Does your parents/parent know, or will they ever know?

Not that I know of. If I ever date a girl and they find out, then oh well. They can handle it however they feel like. 

7. Did they take it well, or do you predict that they will take it well?

Part of my mind says they'd take it well, the other does not. 

8. Would you…

a. Hold hands with your same gender partner in public?


b. Kiss them in public?

Depends on situation. 

c. Introduce them as 'your girl/boyfriend' to family and friends that haven't met them?

If they knew I was dating someone, yes. I generally let them figure out if I'm dating someone, though. 

9. What 3 things that ANGER THE HELL outta you about people's terrible 'opinions' about the LGBT community or certain comments, acts, ex…

People saying that it's a choice. 
People using terms like gay as an insult. 

10. Do you like/love someone right now of the same gender?

Dunno. My mind is ignorant and clueless when it comes to crushes. 

11. If so, do they know?

Read answer to previous question. 

12. Have you told someone about your sexuality and they took it badly?

Unless one of you people here on the internets did, nope. 

13. Are you proud of whom you are?

Hell yes damn it. If I wasn't, I wouldn't go through the trouble of getting yelled at by my mom for crossdressing and wearing hats.

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