Packing. What a waste. Melody

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For me, packing is the worst thing I'd imagine to be doing on a beautiful breezy fall day. I've lived in Berkeley before. I spent 7 years growing up there. So it was only natural for my parents to suggest the small city of San Fransisco.

Its harder for Violet. Considering she lost her mother two months ago and she moved into our house just last month, its a bit nerve racking for her. She wasn't a mess anymore... But she wasn't all happy-go-lucky either. We're sisters now. We share a room. The first few weeks she cried herself to sleep. Now she doesn't do that, but I'm still worried. She started talking, and the counseling is really helping her.

The night we started packing, I asked Violet, "Who do you like?"

"I should be asking you that question. " She sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. I used to have this insane crush on Brandon. In fact, now that I'm saying it, I think I still do."

I smiled. "I've had this ridiculous crush on Nico for years it seems, but just when I think its gone away, it comes back. Do you think he feels the same?"

Violet had stopped packing and stared at me. "You really don't know?" She asked softly.

"No. Tell me!"

"Well Nico feels the same way." She kept staring at me.

"Uh-huh. And where's the proof of that? " I crossed my arms and stared back.

"He wrote it in my notebook. Here." She pulled out an old spiral notebook out of her book case and flipped the pages, found what she was looking for and gave it to me. "There's the evidence." She pointed to a note.

Nico: OK, OK, OK! If I tell you will you stop harassing me?

Violet: Possibly.

Nico: FINE! I... I like Mel, okay? NOW STOP IT!

There it was. Plain as the day.

"When was this written?" I asked.

"First day of school, of course." She replied. "This year."



"Wow. So, what about you and Brandon?"

"I don't really know what's going to happen. We've been getting closer. He phones a lot and talks to me everyday no matter what." She smiled.

"He has a crush on you!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, its so OBVIOUS! He gave you flowers on Valentine's day! He wrote, Love, Brandon, On the birthday card he gave you! I mean, are you two really naïve?" I rolled my eyes.

"Probably." She replied. She blushed a deep shade of red.

"Well after we move, no more! There's nothing that can separate you two." I smiled.

"True. We are inseparable." She chuckled.

"Now come on, we need to keep on packing." We both stared at our dressers and the boxes.

Now that I think about it, packing was never a waste. It was a space to pull people together when they're going through a tough time. And that is the most important lesson of all.

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