Last few days in Brookstown-Nico

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The days before we moved are ones I will never forget.

The boys, (strangely) had packed up and finished packing 3 days before we left. So we had some guy talks in the park. Hiding in plain sight.

So on the second day, Jake asked Brandon and I if we had crushes and on who.

"We should be asking you and Stella that question." I smirked.

"We already talked."

"Mhmm. Have you got the guts to ask her on a date yet?" Brandon asked.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for Valentines Day, then I'll surprise her with a big romantic gesture." Jake smirked.

"Wow. You have to be talented enough to do that stuff." Brandon looked up to Jake. Jake looked up to me. And I looked up to Chris Evans, and Captain America. I never stared down.

"So, what about you, Nico?" Jake smirked again.

"Nothing! Don't have a crush on anyone." If only I had known that Mel was right around the corner, I wouldn't have said that. "For a few weeks I had a crush on Mel. But that's it."

Sniff. Sniff. Mel came into view. Tears rolling down her cheeks. Spiral notebook in her hands. She stared at me, dropped the Spiral notebook and ran away. I ran after her. "Wait Mel, I didn't mean it!" I stopped where she had been standing and picked up the notebook she left.

Nico: FINE! I like Mel. Can you please stop harassing me?

It was written on the page. I had given Mel false hope... Without even trying to.


Knock. Knock. Knock. Violet answered the door.

"She doesn't want to talk to you." Vi said in a grave voice, rolling her eyes.



"Pretty please with a date from Brandon?" I asked.


"Come on!"

"She needs space, Nico. In a few day's time, she'll talk. Just not right now."

"O-Okay." She closed the door and I sat on her front steps.

"Who was that?" Melody asked.


"Whatever. I don't want to talk to that jerk." Tears stinging my eyes, I ran home to my tree house.

And for the first time in what seemed like forever, I cried. For real this time. My love for Melody felt real. But I lost the chance to tell her about it.

My crying session lasted 16 minutes. I stopped crying and wiped my eyes. I had to be careful. But I was going to get her back. No matter what the price.

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