Chapter Three

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 "WHY DID GOD MAKE ME SO GAY?" JESSICA ASKED—more to herself—as she scrolled through endless images of Gal Gadot on her phone. Everyone simply chuckled at her.

"Don't even get me started on the password protected folders dedicated to Dylan O'Brien and Brendon Urie that I have." Jimmy shared, bringing the same reaction from our group.

We all had confiscated a small corner of a local cafe, spending the day in each other's company. I had tried inviting Jasmine, but she insisted that she was busy. I missed her.

I hadn't said much to neither Jasmine nor Justin since the day of the dance. Justin apologized every free chance he got, and I finally made the decision to forgive him so he would leave me alone. It was sad knowing how much I craved his attention at one point, and now I want nothing to do with him. He wasn't invited today for obvious reasons.

There was radio silence on Jasmine's end. We hadn't texted in weeks—other than the invite to join us today—and we only really spoke during the few classes we shared throughout the day at school. She even stopped driving me there. Something shifted in our friendship, and I really couldn't tell what it was for sure. I definitely could be trying harder to capture her attention, but I guess I was still ashamed at my lack of education on gay culture and the sexualities involved.

Taking a deep breath, I asked a question that would most likely give away my internal conflict. "So, how did you guys know that you were—y'know."

"I've kind of always known, quite honestly." Jessica looked up from her phone for the first time today. "In grade school, all the girls would be so eager to watch the boys on the soccer field. One day, I figured I would join them and see what all the fuss was about. When I found myself sneaking away to watch the girls lacrosse team instead—that was the confirmation of something I had already known."

"Seventh grade. Noah Hurst." Jimmy said, everyone staring at him expectantly, except he didn't continue.

"I just realized that I have no control over the future, including who I fall in love with. It could be anyone, so long as they love me and laugh at my stupid jokes." Scott revealed, a proud smile on his face. Britt looked at her brother with nothing but admiration, and it finally dawned on me that she was the only friend in our group who didn't identify herself as part of the LGBTQ+ community.

"Hardcore ally, that's all." She explained with a wave.

"Are you sure about that?" Jessica wiggled her eyebrows at her, the two girls giggling. Scott shared a knowing look with Kevin next to him. The two of them have been so convinced that Jessica harbored romantic feelings for Britt. Too bad that they were wrong, considering I was already privy to Jessica's crush, someone she had met on Tumblr who goes to a different school.

"I didn't know for sure until I fell in love with this idiot." Kevin spoke last, wrapping an arm around Jimmy lovingly.

"Speaking of idiots in love," Jessica looked at me with a smug grin, and I already knew what our next topic of conversation would be. "How are you and Jas, Harper?"

"We're fine." I shrugged, setting my coffee down. "Our friendship grows stronger every day."

"Hey, you don't have to say anything if you're not comfortable yet." Jessica reassured me, and I knew that she was just teasing with her previous remarks. "For what it's worth, though: I think she may have a teensy weensy crush on you."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed, lifting my warm beverage once again to busy myself with anything other than the topic at hand. I took a long sip, making my body hot to accompany my surely pink cheeks.

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