Chapter 2

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Tosaki sat at a table in the main room staring at his computer. A grim look was plastered to his face as he continued to work later and later into the night. Doing all the paper work to get that brat out of prison had set him far behind schedule in his work.

"Tosaki." Kei announced after walking into the room and standing quietly in a corner for a few moments.

"Ugh, what is it? Shouldn't you be asleep?" The man groaned and rubbed his eyes dirtying his glasses which he then romoved to clean. Kei waited for him to finish and place them back on his face before continuing.

"If you bring Kaito here, I'm quiting. I won't help you catch satou. You won't have my IBM or my plan." Kei reasoned with a look of confidence on his face.

"Fine, do that. I just see it as even more reason we need the boy." Kei let a look of surprise quickly flash across his face before composing himself again. Embarrassed and not knowing what to say he grunted and walked away. He had to think over the situation more carefully. Tosaki was right though, if he were to quit it would make things even more dangerous for kaito, especially since he wouldn't even be able to protect him.

"Damnit!" Kei yelled slamming his fist into the hallway wall. He didn't like it but there really wasn't anything he could think of to say to discourage tosaki from bringing the other boy there.

"What crawled up your ass?" Kou asked peeking his head out of his door, his hair messy, a sure sign he had been sleeping before Kei had woke him.

"None of your business." The dark haired snapped walking past him.

"What a ray of sunshine." Kou sighed sarcastically under his breath.

Kei continued to his room and flopped down on his bed as soon as he closed the door. Thinking about talking to kaito, after everything that had happened, was something Kei was not looking forward to. How could they act like everything was fine again, after everything Kei had done? How could they even hold a conversation, or be near each other? Kei didn't want to find out what would happen when they finally met. Every possible outcome he could think of was undesirable.

"I guess this is how he felt when I abandoned him those times." Kei whispered his breath hitching. He grabbed his pillow and stuffed him face in it, wishing he could just suffocate. He pushed harder and harder, untill the fabric of the pillow case burned and tugged at his skin. He finally dropped the pillow from his face. It landed on his bed, two wet marks had appeared on the face of it. Kei furrowed his brow and flipped the pillow over. 

He layed  his face on it, the coolness of the other side felt comforting as he stared at his wall. Although he had many thoughts swirling around in his head he soon fell asleep. It didn't feel like it lasted long enough though. That morning he woke up early, as soon as the sun had come up. He felt a nervousness in his stomach that made him want to just curl up in a ball.

"Sleep, damnit sleep!" He urged himself squeezing his eyes shut and throwing his blanket over his head. At the moment he realized he looked like a little kid afraid of thunder, but he shook his head at the thought. "I'm not afraid of him." He stuttered. "And I'm not afraid of how he'll act towards me. He has every right." 

Kei stuck his foot out of the covers to get ready to stand up. He shuttered at how cool his room had become, and at something else. He was shaking in fear. Fear of what kaito would think. Fear of how kaito felt about him now, after everything that he had done. "Damnit what happened to the emotionless machine I'm supposed to be?" The shaking boy wondered as he tried to calm himself.  He quickly got dressed and sat down again on his bed. He stared into space repeating the same phrase in his head over and over. "It's ok."

"Yo, what up man? Whoa, you looked like you saw a ghost!" A certain red head yelled as he barged in the others  room. Kei was happy for the distraction but there was no way he would show that.

"What are you doing in her, idiot." Kei groaned as his shaking toned downed and eventually stopped.

"Well tosaki is picking up the new guy right now and he said he expects us to set a good example for him by being ready and training by the time he gets back." The red head explained with a smile on his face.

"Ugh, it's like 5." Kei groaned rolling his eyes and turning to the clock. He gasped as he realized it was actually already 7, and that he had been up for almost two hours already. "W-What?" He sputtered surprised that he was wrong. 

"Tosaki will be back soon, I already gave you some time to sleep in so hurry up."

"Uh, ok." Kei mumbled still surprised at his absent mindedness. He needed to stop worrying about kaito. It was messing with him and he didn't like it.

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