1: a unexpected heist that will change everything

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Ohmwrecker POV

We were getting ready for the heist. I grabbed a pistol in case and a sniper rifle. I walked out in the living room, waiting for the others I sat on the couch. One by one they walk in, finally vanoss comes last like always.

"Okay basically, wildcat, and del. You guys are riding with me. Ohm, nogla, terrizzor, and Lui you guys are riding with each other. Smii7y and Kryoz, your riding with each too." Vanoss announced as he puts a desert eagle in his seethe. I got up and walked over to the door and open it.

I walked towards a black van, I got in the back, terrizzor, in the front seat. And Lui in the drivers seat, he put the key in the ignition and we were on the road. We were going down it, when suddenly a car went swerving in front of us.

The person hit the back of vanoss's car. He kept ramming into the car, while we were swerving into the attacker. Pushing the attacker until he hit another car over the edge of the bridge and into the water below.

He pushed the car into ours, pushing us into another car, trapping us in between. But we managed to escape their trap, thankfully. They in each other, "Uh guys, we got company." I said as I saw chopper's above us.

I heard aloud noise from in front of us. There I saw an anomaly in front of us glowing blue, I watched as vanoss and the others sucked in. Lui tried to stop the car, the strange anomaly was reeling us in.

The car went flying in the air, and into the anomaly. My eyes were closed, so I slowly opened them up. To see I was no longer in the car but surrounded by pretty blues and whites. I heard a roar in the distance so I turned around.

I saw a large white ghostly dragon flying towards me. I froze at the sight of the mystical beast before me in awe. Why wasn't I afraid of it, it clearly is a dragon? The dragons snout came towards me, it stayed there, waiting me to do something.

I reached my hand towards its snout, touching its snout, suddenly a light blinded me. I fell on my back in the dirt, wait dirt? "What in the hell?" I heard delirious's voice in the background. I slowly opened up my eyes to see that ghostly dragon again.

"You are the chosen ones. You will be powerful. I will make you powerful!" She said as she faded away in the suns rays. I sat up an the dirt, blinking the light away. "Your awake!" I heard Lui yelled out as Brian helped me up.

"That was weird." I mumbled as lean against a tree. I someone coming towards us, we looked towards the sound. A pretty little girl with a basket of apples was running towards us. Then a black wolf with green eyes jumped through the bush.

She ran behind me holding the basket close, I picked up the biggest stick near me. It growled at me, I raised the stick and threw it at the wolf. It stricken the wolf's head, and soon the guys started throwing sticks at it too. Yelling also helped too as the wolf coward in fear, running off back into the bush.

"Thank you for saving me." She said as her bright green eyes glisten in the sun. She had tannish skin and dark red hair, she was really short though. "Uhh.. Your welcome?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"How can I repay you sir?" She asked me with a smile on her face. "A place to stay." Said vanoss walking beside me as he looked down on her. "Oh, ok, follow me." She said as walked down the paths to whom she originally was before the wolf attacked her.

"So, what's your names?" She asked me, I was about to answer but vanoss beat me to it. "I'm Evan, that's Jonathan, Brian, Marcel, Lui, David, Bryce, and. Ryan." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder smiling. She suddenly froze up, "Hey, you okay?" I asked her, looking at her She shook head smiling at me.

"I must be thinking of somebody else when I heard your name." She said and started to walk again. "Oh... What's your name?" I said looking forward "Ani." She said, in the distance was a village. We entered the village, there were lots of markets everywhere and so were villagers.

We came in front of a large mansion, there was a sign that said Orchard Inn. We walked inside the Inn, we walked up to a counter with a old lady sitting there. "Grandma! Wake up we have guest's!" She said as she shook her awake. Her eyes slowly opened up, and lifted her head up.

"Guests?" She said tiredly looking up at us with a smile. "Oh, hello." She said with a cheerful expression. I smiled and sat on the wooden chair the guys doing the same, some sitting on the floor. "These kind gentle men, saved my life!" She exclaimed.

I got caught up in space that I didn't know Ani was trying to get my attention. "Come on, we have a big day tomorrow!" She said as I looked up at her confused and so was the guys. "What big day?" Nogla asked her as her smile turned into a frown.

"You don't know about the Dragon Festival?" She asked us as we looked at her even more confused as it. "The festival consist of many merchants selling items and food. And many of the items are dragon related there are also games. And best part of all!" She squealed.

"And?" Vanoss said as he looked up at her curiously. "It's the choosing of the Dragon Crystal and the Mage Stone! If your a mage, you could control a element given to you! And even cooler than that!" She said jumping up and down.

"You could even be a dragon rider and own a dragon!" She squealed and started to run in circles. "So we have to go, everyone will be there!" She said pulling me and the guys towards a room on the third floor.

We walked into the rather large room filled with beds. The guys chose their beds and I just laid there staring at nothing in space. I soon fell tired and drift away into sleep.

I woke up again to see that ghostly dragon again. "You will save Fantasy, and you will not deny." She said standing high and confident. "And soon you will uncover a truth you CAN'T denie." She said before fading away into the blues and whites. I heard those words that sent shivers down my spine.

                   "I chose you."

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