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I found myself collapsing on the ground before I could process anything that just happened. My entire body seemed to completely shut down, my eyelids drooping and my hands suddenly numb from the ordeal.

This much trouble just to stay in an underground room with someone who wants you dead. Good job.

Part of me wanted to argue but I couldn't find the strength. I fell asleep too quickly after that.

I guess my mind wanted to screw me over in the end because in my sleep I saw familiar faces I couldn't bear to look at. Something in me felt guilty for even thinking about anything but my family. And yet, here were my immediates whom I forced myself to look at: Anni, Birthday, the Elder, and Event. They were among the few people I could make out in the darkness. Seeing them this clearly felt surreal. I shouldn't have been able to remember them after all these years.


I flinched at the Elder's sharp, familiar voice. She was never close to what other people would call a mother, but something about the way she said my name this time sent a jolt through me. She sounded almost heartbroken. Angry. Undoubtedly at me. I did something wrong again, I know it. I waited, ashamed, for her next words.

"We have been waiting a very long time for you. Why haven't you found us?"

I blinked back tears. "I'm sorry."

"You should be. You're housing with a lowly, beleaguered man for your own sake, you told him your untrue name; you might as well have just run away from your real home."

I hunched my shoulders defensively. "I'd like to think I'm doing this for you. I'm...I'm not giving up."

"No. You're not. And it had better stay that way. We don't abandon each other, now do we?" Elder turned to my closest friends, awaiting their response.

"No. Come back to us, Masquerade," they droned in unison. For whatever reason, I couldn't decide whether to trust them or not. I'd never questioned the Elder in my life, nor was I about to. But none of the others were acting like themselves. I almost called out back to them before I was abruptly yanked awake. Hodek was tapping a knife's blunt side on my head, as if checking to see if I was alive.

"Hey. I said to be quiet, not knock yourself out. Not that I'm complaining."

I groaned and attempted to get to my feet. "Then...why did you wake me up?"

He raised an eyebrow like he was surprised at my stupidity. "Because I'm not done with you yet, dipshit. What's that I heard about a 'beleaguered man,' anyway?" He grabbed a lock of my hair and tugged my head up painfully. "Huh?"

I squinted, still disoriented. "...you heard it, too?"

"Yeah, I heard it. You're the one who called me that. I have ears, you know." He sighed, clearly lacking the motivation to get clarity anymore. "Just...stay here. I'll beat your ass later. But until then, let's come to a compromise, shall we?"

Jeff took out a knife and lifted my chin so I was forced to look him in the eyes.

"I'll leave you the fuck alone, and you leave me the fuck alone. Got it?"

I nodded hastily and curled my hands into fists.

"Good, 'cause I'm going out. I'll see you later."


"What?" I weakly pushed myself up so that I was sitting instead of just laying flat on the ground. "Why? Didn't...won't the fog burn you?"

"Uh, not with this," he replied, pulling a black bandana out from nowhere and promptly tying it around his face, just beneath his eyes. "I'm not stupid. Go on. Make yourself at home. Might be the last thing you'll ever do, so make it good."

Mr. Hodek and His Little MinionWhere stories live. Discover now