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The first thing that flew out of my mouth once we were safely above ground was, "What were you thinking?"

Max turned around and narrowed his eyes at me. "What do you mean by that?"

"Trying to go after this Elder lady, whoever the hell she is! I don't care what kind of mother figure she might have been to you seven years ago, if I picked up anything from the last ten minutes, it's that facing her again is suicide. Especially now that she's got Angus in her pocket."

"I need answers, Hodek. I'm not sure what'll happen when she sees you, but she wouldn't hurt me."

"She has hurt you! She's hurt you way too much, all these years since the minute she opened her mouth around you. You can't just go back to her when things don't make sense, you need to run away and never look back."

His lip started to quiver the more I talked, and eventually he started forward again with his hands clenched into fists. "You don't get it."

"Then explain. Tell me what I've got wrong—"

"Everything. I may be mad at the Elder, beyond belief, really, but I'm not going to just forget she exists."

"I'm not asking you to do that."

"Well, what are you asking me to do, let it all go?! Move on from my past? Because you, of all people, should know that's bullshit."

"I need you to promise me that we won't actually go looking for her. She's damaged you. It's for your own good, it doesn't matter if you trust her anymore or not."

"So I just don't follow through on what I said at all. I let Anniversary down, I abandon my family again?"

"They're not your—" I cut myself off and took a breath. "No. We're not getting into this now. Let's just go, there has to be some other rich neighborhood around here."

"And then where do we go?"

My usual answer of, "you think know?" got stuck in my throat. Instead I shook my head and pat him on the shoulder, moving forward while he stayed still. I could feel that every inch of his body was about to explode just from that one touch. After countless minutes of waiting, he started talking again.

"I know that's part of the whole being on the run thing, but I'm sick of it. I found my home after years of searching and now I have to leave and just look somewhere else, I can't do it. You're unfair."

"Life is unfair. I can't believe I'm the one who has to tell you that." I sighed and held out one hand. "Come with me. We can rest tonight if you want. I'm sorry."

I said that more out of some imaginary obligation than because I meant it. In truth, I was more frustrated with him than sorry. Hours seemed to pass before he decided to move. He took my hand, if not begrudgingly, and let me lead the way back to the forest. I noticed something beneath the shade of a nearby tree, and upon closer inspection realized it was When All Hell Breaks Loose. Caught up in exploring that tunnel, cave, parking lot, whatever you want to call it, we'd forgotten our little travel kit at the edge of the forest. Unsurprisingly, most of our things had been stolen. I picked up the book, examining its spine with the faded name "Cody Lundin" becoming almost illegible. I looked to Max, whose gaze had fallen to the ground.

"I don't like all this moving anymore than you do," I found myself admitting. "But this is about survival. Having other goals in mind...sure, sometimes it pays off, but it also clouds up your vision. The best we can do right now is find somewhere to sleep."

Mr. Hodek and His Little MinionWhere stories live. Discover now