Safe and Sound

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Tokoni stared at the evidence I had laid before her, shocked. Her mouth opened and closed several times as she tried to force words out. "I can't believe we never considered this connection," she finally whispered.

Her honey brown eyes glanced at me. "You spoke to a murderer and escaped him?"

I sat silently on the other side of the table. My legs were crossed and I was trying to braid my hair the way my mother had used to do it.

Tokoni gently set my phone face down and frowned to herself. Then the door opened and she smiled again, looking up at whoever had come in.

I turned to look too.

"That's him," I stated under my breath. I grabbed at my pocket knife conveniently in my pocket, but Tokoni seemed to have heard me.

She slowly got up and made her way around the desk, stopping in front of the Akai cho, her smile never leaving her face. "Konnichiwa, Sir, how can I help you?" Her curls bounced as she stepped towards the couches. "You look troubled."

"Not for long," the man grinned, looking over her shoulder.

He shoved past Tokoni, eyes trained on me. A blade glimmered in his hand.

"Put your knife down, sir."

Tokoni's eyes trained on him as he trailed closer by every inch. Her hand rested on her waist.

"I told you you couldn't run," he giggled.

He was in striking distance now.

The man leaned in as he looked into my eyes, and I stared back.


The firing of a gun didn't catch him off guard for long, and both of us flinched. But I wasn't the one who fell to the floor, knife skittering out of my hand. Blood oozed from the Akai cho's stomach.

Tokoni stared at him, the gun in her hands trembling. "That shouldn't have hurt him too much," she breathed out. Then she inched closer and poked his back with her shoe. When he didn't move, she bent down and put a finger under his nose.

"Unconscious," she let out a breath she seemed to have been holding for a long time.

The few people who sat in the waiting room stared at our scene with wide eyes, unmoving.

Tokoni smiled wearily at the handful. "Sorry you had to see that. You'll have to stay as witnesses now."

The rest of the week I spent my time with the police, answering questions about the evidence I had provided and the scene with Tokoni. Dad never showed up when I called. Several witnesses spoke to the police, too. I had a strong case against a hospitalized Akai Cho, otherwise known as Masaru Takumi.

I at no point at the chance to go home or to school. There wasn't anything I could do about it, nor anything I wanted to do about it. It was just me, Tokoni, and Nicklaus sometimes when he dropped by.

Finally, when the sun was setting over the buildings on the fifth day I had spent the night, Tokoni sat next to me. On her left was Sudo. "How are you?"

I looked out the window, hugging my knees.

The door behind us rung once or twice and then Nicky and his friends were sitting beside me too. "We have all your school work," he whispered.

When I didn't speak, neither did they. We all just stared out the window, out at the sun as is set.

((Low key stressed... I hope you guys liked this chapter and the book so far. I don't know if you've noticed, but we've reached the end. There'll be a conclusion chapter, and I might update a few times after this, but this is it. Thanks for reading till the end, my friends!

*plays the Breakfast Club ending* Don't you forget about me~))

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