Chapter 11

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"Oh my gods. I can't believe you did this."


"Huh? What did you say?"

"I just called you adorable princess."

"Oh I uhm."


"Thank you Ky."

"Anytime love."

"So uh why did you call?"

"I just wanted to hear my love's adorable voice again."




"Talk to me darling."

Kyrie heard his princess squeak in surprise at his demanding tone. He found it adorable and decided to he would hear that sound more often.

Ottoline's shyness was affecting her ability to answer Ky in a quick-witted manner. It was frustrating her greatly.

"I uh sorry."

"It's okay princess. How about you just tell me what you're doing."

"I- o-okay. I was just doing my maths."

It took an hour but Ottoline slowly got more comfortable talking to Ky. he had made her laugh and she had discovered that he was even more flirty when speaking than over text. Ky learned that his princess was 19 and that she was in 'uni' as she had called it. Knowing that she was only three years younger than him relaxed him a bit. Around two in the morning Ky decided it was time for his British baby to sleep after he had heard her yawn for the fourth time.

"G'night princess."

"Night night Ky."

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